It's been a long day, so I'll post about the blogshoot tomorrow. But a big, BIG thank you to
JayG for putting this together, to
Ambulance Driver for a great excuse to a get together, to Liz and Bill for a great venue. Special thanks to everyone who offered guns for us to shoot, especially
To Old To Work Too Young To Retire who let me shoot his SMLE (yes it sounds bad; it wasn't).
And here's a taste. The guest of honor at the naughty end of the range was a Pokemon ...
Is that really a Pokemon? Fortunately my kids were out of that phase before Pokemon showed up on the scene.
It was great fun blasting him, her, IT with the 870 and then one of my rifles.
The smile on Mrs. Borepatch's face when she fired the SMLE was beautiful. I'm thrilled that she had such a good time firing it.
There are still some around, but they are getting scare and expensive. Not to mention the ammunition. Get one while they getting is good.
Heh. There will be video of the bayonet charge later...
And I'm glad I made Mrs. Borepatch smile. You'll have to bring her with you the next time we get together. I think a smaller group might be less... noisy. :)
Pleasure meeting both of you, Borepatch.
And in regards to Mrs. Borepatch, I only have four words for you:
Batting above your average.
And if for some reason you can't come along, send Mrs. Borepatch. Really, it's not a problem, we'll get by without you, whatever your name is.
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