This morning, he was going to add my account on eeBuntu. Not finding the right graphical app, he dropped into a command shell and typed sudo adduser ted. I never showed him that, he figured it out all by himself. I'm so dang proud I could bust.
Not my EeePC in the pic - I'll post on it until y'all wished I'd stop - but just like the idea of Metasploit on this tiny thing. Sort of like a snubby in .357. Heh.
Dude, same brain sysndrome:
Trying out the Ubunto Netbook Remix
That's my system!
I'm on a 1000HA right now on the eeebuntu side of the drive.
I'm really enjoying it.
Ok, the netbook remix is still too heavyweight. I'mna try eeebuntu
Thanks for this post. I drop by from time to time to read your security posts.
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