Tuesday, February 19, 2019

If we're going to shut down the government again, how about the ATF?

Asking for a friend.


Old NFO said...

That's a good point...

Mike43 said...

Meanly named shotgun. If they called it the cuddly unicorn, it would not be banned.

Ratus said...

Well you can still get the non-NFA "Lady’s Home Companion" in .45-70.



Ratus said...

The real reason is that the veper/saiga style shotguns were not around yet in the '90s when a bunch of the non-traditional shotguns like the streetsweeper/striker12 and USAS-12 were declared "destructive devices".

Beans said...

Becawse it's skawie!!! That's why Feinswein and her evil demons did get the Cobray shot down.

Feinstein used the ATF as her own personal 2x4.

Ratus said...

Hey don't forget Attorney General Janet "kill the kids to save them" Reno.

It was her decision to list them as "non-sporting".