The Frederick Keys have a great little stadium. The Queen Of The World took me on a date night.

Gentlemen, you may feel free to envy me.
The Frederick Keys have a great little stadium. The Queen Of The World took me on a date night.
Gentlemen, you may feel free to envy me.
This is actually how it goes with most of the SWPL policies beloved by the Establishment: they make things worse for the Middle Class while throwing benefits small or large to the Establishment, and the Middle Class has had about enough of it. The Global Warming scam is only the biggest example, but anything labeled "green" or "smart growth" or the like is reliably a means to make the lives of the Establishment better at the expense of the Middle Class.In fact, the real problem is that most of the policies advocated by progressives such as Florida, from high-speed rail to urban density, are aimed at making cities comfortable for what he calls the “creative class” (meaning the college educated) while shutting out the working class. Because he doesn’t understand this, many of his prescriptions will only exacerbate the political divide.Rather than say cities should be responsible for paying for their own projects, as Trump urges, Florida is more interested in social policy. Using growth boundaries to increase density drives out the working classes who can’t afford housing. Increasing the minimum wage to $15 drives out working class jobs. Building light rail to downtowns while letting streets crumble favors white collar commuters over blue collar workers. Agreeing to the Paris accords on climate change makes middle-class people feel good while it threatens working-class livelihoods.
That was the assessment of Comrade Misfit, also a former Navy officer.J.F. Kelly, a retired Navy captain who commanded three ships during his career, wrote in The San Diego Union-Tribune that he was firm in his belief that the majority of the fault of the collision rested with the failure of the destroyer’s crew who was on watch that night:The damage to the starboard side of the destroyer and the bow of the container ship suggests a crossing situation. The international rules for the prevention of collisions at sea specify that the vessel to starboard (the container ship) is the stand-on vessel and the other ship (the destroyer) is the give-way vessel and is required to stay out of the way of the stand-on vessel.The give-way ship’s actions are to be timely and deliberate so as to not introduce any doubt as to its intentions. The stand-on vessel is required to maintain course and speed until the risk of collision is deemed no longer to exist or until it becomes apparent that the actions of the give-way vessel alone are not sufficient to avoid a collision, in which case, it is required to take action by turning, slowing or stopping.But slowing or stopping is difficult and in some cases, virtually impossible for a large merchant ship. By contrast, destroyers are very maneuverable.Judging from the images of the damage, it’s easy to conclude that the destroyer failed to give way and should be held at fault. But it is premature to jump to any conclusions until the investigation is completed. There may well be fault on both sides.”
Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded - here and there, now and then - are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people.
Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.This is known as "bad luck.
Several times a week my cell phone receives the telephonic equivalent of spam: A robocall. On each occasion the call seems to come from a local number, but when I answer there is that telltale pause followed by an automated voice pitching some product or service. So when I heard from a reader who chose to hang on the line and see where one of these robocalls led him, I decided to dig deeper. This is the story of that investigation.He dug into the business model, and who's shadier than whom. And this is interesting, in a "red on red" targeting sense:
But he said those that end up buying leads from robocall marketers are often smaller mom-and-pop debt relief shops, and that these companies soon find themselves being sued by what Birnbaum called “frequent filers,” lawyers who make a living suing companies for violating laws against robocalls.My heart bleeds for these smaller shops. /sarc
Coroner Kent Harshbarger estimates that ... the state [of Ohio] will see 10,000 overdoses by the end of 2017 — more than were recorded in the entire United States in 1990.Peter has an excellent and in-depth post of the utter idiocy of the "War on Drugs"and you should RTWT.
In 2016, Rodney Stooksbury got 38.3% of the vote in Georgia’s sixth congressional district after spending only around $1000.00. Less than a year later, Democrats spent $30million to get only ten percent more of the vote and still lose.He has ten take-aways about the election that seem pretty sensible. Since that was my old district before I moved to Castle Borepatch, I never thought that Ossoff had a chance. This election tested the proposition that with enough thrust you can even make an aircraft carrier fly. In politics, it seems that this may not be true.
Second-rate opsec remained pervasive at the United States' National Security Agency, according to an August 2016 review now released under Freedom of Information laws.
The National Computer Security Center is part of NSA. They certainly know how to secure a system. Snowden seems to be a case of the shoemaker's children having no shoes.It's almost surprising that the agency was able to cuff Reality Winner, let alone prevent a wholesale Snowden-style leak. The Department of Defense Inspector General report, first obtained by the New York Times, finds everything from unsecured servers to a lack of two-factor authentication.
Orlando airport, rental car return. The two closest gas stations that I have used in the past have raised their gas prices to $5.99 per gallon regular. They are the closest to the rental car and used a lot. They have not posted a sign on the street. It is only listed on the actual pump in small print.
...Both stations closest to Orlando Airport ( Disney etc) have these crazy prices. I drove 2 miles away and gas was $1.99 per gallon.
Seems pretty sneaky. FYI.Just for reference rental car return gas price was $2.70. I filled up at $1.99.
Back in 2014, the tech firm challenged an order issued under Section 702 of the 2008 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments Act, a law that allows the US government to request telecommunications data on non-US citizens. The wide-ranging powers in that act, due for renewal at the end of this year, have been highly controversial ever since the Edward Snowden archives brought them to public attention.
The heavily redacted documents [PDF] were published this week, and come from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees Uncle Sam's spying efforts. They detail a request by the unnamed company for copies of previous decisions the judges had made on Section 702 hearings, so that it could prepare its case.
So there is no right to see court rulings that effect your case. And this part is the truly Kafkaesque bit:Instead of allowing the firm to gather the evidence it needed, Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled that the government was perfectly within its rights to deny the company the information it requested.
Instead, the judge told the company to rely on the Department of Justice's accounts of previous Section 702 hearings, rather than seeing the legal cases for themselves.Well, OK then. When I grew up, we thought it was the Soviet Union that had secret courts.
The Queen Of The World snapped this shot. She's a fox, too.
Perhaps this one stopped and posed for her as a professional courtesy?
This is a very bad sign for the Democrats.
Consider: a truly robust and confident Left would not feel the need for violence. The fact that they are engaging in an orgy of violence porn says all you need to know about the strength of their party.
And now we're seeing riots in the streets, ganga of campus thugs weilding baseball bats, and snipers. Who will win the hearts and minds on the great mass of undecided America?
to ask the question is to answer it.
This will not end well for the Left. It appears that they are too stupid to realize it.
Well, I think my dog's a democrat And it breaks my heart To have to say An ugly thing like that But there's a big old pile of evidence That all points toward the facts My dog might be a democrat I pay for all his health care And I buy everything he eats I provide him with a place to live Just to keep him off the streets But he just acts like he's entitled Even tried to unionize the cat Yeah, I think my dog's a democrat He chewed up the Constitution That I keep on display And every time Benghazi's on TV He looks the other way ("What difference, at this point, does it make") I know he's a liberal Even if he won't admit it He pooped on my living room rug And tried to tell me George Bush did it He ain't got no papers And what really gets my goat Is if he could find to write it down Well, I know they'd let him vote Sure we've had some good times He's been fun to have around But if he ever barks About my right to bear arms I'm gonna have to have him put down (Who's a good boy?) (Who's a good boy?) I pay for all his health care And I buy everything he eats I provide him with a place to live Just to keep him off the streets You'd have to be a Socialist To ever act like that So my dog must be a democrat His behavior has been hidden His mom might be Mrs. Clinton Yeah, I thing my dog's a Spread-the-wealth Government-health Flea-bitten democrat
The Democratic Union Party's website has crashed as people woke this morning to google the group that may play kingmaker after the Tories fell short of a majority in the UK general election.
The DUP is the largest unionist political party in Northern Ireland and was founded by Ian Paisley. It has previosuly opposed same-sex marriage and abortion.
Maybe part of the deal to form a coalition government could be a bigger server and some more bandwidth.Sadly, no more information can be derived about the party from its own site, which reads: "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."