Take away the adjustments [to the climate data], and all the warming from 1850 [in New Zealand] disappears. Change the data, and all the Climatologists will discover that the Earth is "warming". [because all climatologists use the same - adjusted- climate data sets]27 September 2015:
Let me say this explicitly: I used to believe that the planet was warming, and that this was likely due to natural (as opposed to man made) causes. Now I'm not sure that the planet is warming. The data do not show warming over the last 70 years, maybe longer.
The US accounts for 6.62% of the land area on Earth, but accounts for 39% of the data in the GHCN network. Overall, from 1880 to the present, approximately 99% of the temperature data in the USHCN homogenized output has been estimated (differs from the original raw data). Approximately 92% of the temperature data in the USHCN TOB output has been estimated. The GHCN adjustment models estimate approximately 92% of the US temperatures, but those estimates do not match either the USHCN TOB or homogenized estimates.[My emphasis - Borepatch]
And one last little nugget, from a post here on 30 November 2009:
If you look closely at climate data, you will find that all the major data sets consist of two parts:So we know that 99% of the data has been adjusted, and we know that over 80% of the reported warming in the lower 48 States over the entire 20th Century was due to adjustments - the raw data simply do not show this warming.
Raw Data, which is the instrument reading: satellite, thermometer, or proxy (tree ring, ice core, etc). This is data straight from the sensor.
Adjustments, which are corrections applied to raw data to adjust for inconsistencies. For example, it is important to read the thermometer temperature at the same time every day. If the hottest time of the day is, say, 2:30 PM, but you read the thermometer at 10:00 AM, then the day's reading will be low. Adjustments are also made when weather stations are re-sited, and for other reasons.
An interesting question is how much of the 20th Century's warming came from adjustments, rather than from raw data? A picture is worth a thousand words:What you're looking at is the annual adjustment made to the raw temperature, for each year in the 20th Century. You'll notice that almost no adjustments are made to years up to 1960, and then a very interesting shape appears in the graph.
A hockey Stick.
This is not from the Hadley/CRU temperature data set, this is from the US HCN (Historical Climate Network)
And all of this is from the Fed.Gov's own published data. Let me say it again:
Let me say this explicitly: I used to believe that the planet was warming, and that this was likely due to natural (as opposed to man made) causes. Now I'm not sure that the planet is warming. The data do not show warming over the last 70 years, maybe longer.Some of you may have noticed that I'm just not posting much of Global Warming issues. It's because I've said pretty much all that I have to say, six years ago.
Didn't you say data from the site at the Ripogenus Dam in Maine was still being cited years after it was removed? How do people call it science if they fudge the numbers?
Well just because the dam is no longer there doesn't mean that the temp reporting station was also removed. Of course now that there is no longer a large body of water nearby that used to impact the readings. "Adjustments" will need to be added to make the current readings align with the old readings!!!!
I'm surprised nobody has looked at the data from Weather Underground.
Or even mentioned it.....
I think they removed the Ripogenus weather station, as I recall...
NASA reported this morning that water levels on Mars are increasing, and this is due to Man made global warming. The entire planet has TWO cars on it, and one of them is broken. See what happened?
I am prepared to believe in natural warming. It accords well with what seems to be happening in my locale (South Florida). We have a tropical summer with high temps and humidity, and heavy afternoon rains most but not all days. Winter is cooler, and dominated by the cold front (which we experience as heavy rain followed by cooldowns of varying intensity). Fall and spring have pleasant temps and low humidity, not much rain and used to last 4-8 weeks.
Winter is about the same.
Summer however starts earlier and ends later, so the shoulder seasons are much shorter, or don't even happen: this year we seemed to go direct from winter to summer. Summer also seems dryer, with less rain, and more days with 90+ degree weather (less rain can influence that). I used to turn off my A/C in October and turned it back on in May. Last winter, I turned it off in late October and turned it back on in February. It's been on ever since.
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