Now when I saw this, the word "Gunbloggers" ran through my head. I'd sure like to see a JayG model, and maybe Tam could buy a new Zed 3 if she sold the Snark Of Death/Sunday Smith model.
So who'd you want to see as an Action Figure?
UPDATE 20 November 2009 14:40: Welcome folks from JayG's place! Take a look around while you're here. I agree with Lissa's comment on who would be teh awesome as an action figure.
Maybe you could get one with the kung fu grip?!
I envision an entire series: Action Figures - People of the Gun.
I get first mention? Pshaw...
Hell, you could just adapt a Steve Austin figure (remove 3/4 the muscle) for me...
BREDA. Duh. :) And we could give her a detachable-rifle leg!!
Would they make a pantless one for Robb?
If they have the kung fu grip, then the Jay G one can hold a bayonet-equipped pistol.
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