Monday, March 2, 2009

More European Rednecks

This is turning into a recurring theme. Essentially, the point is that many European Intellectuals like to look down on Americans as uncultured rednecks. Well, back atcha:

A rocket-powered Ski car launched off of a ski jump. In Norway. By Brits. How is this in any way different from Country Fried Home Videos? Welcome to the club, y'all.

Now I have to say that I have nothing against Europeans: I've lived there, and liked it - and them. I have nothing against Intellectuals, either. I come from a family of Intellectuals, my lovely bride is from a family of Intellectuals. Nothing wrong there, either, especially if you have that Teddy-Roosevelt-Author-With-A-Winchester sort of mojo.

What I don't like is the sneer. Especially from people who think that they're smarter than the rest of us, and aren't.

And if the Manneken Pis is at Ground Zero in Brussels, like Marietta's Big Chicken, then what's the redneck equivalent of the Lillehammer Olympic Stadium? The Indy Brickyard?

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