Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ya know, I'm part Indian, too

All the Cool Kids are doing it:
Last week we found out that Professor Warren spent her Harvard career being touted as a “Native American” member of the faculty.  Professor Warren never had any problem with this...until the Boston Herald started asking questions:
Elizabeth Warren’s avowed Native American heritage — which the candidate rarely if ever discusses on the campaign trail — was once touted by embattled Harvard Law School officials who cited her claim as proof of their faculty’s diversity.

Warren’s claim, which surfaced yesterday after a Herald inquiry, put the candidate in an awkward position as campaign aides last night scrambled but failed to produce documents proving her family lineage...
So what's the difference between your humble host and a hypocritical Harvard leftie who lied to get some of that sweet, sweet Affirmative Action?  Unlike Senator-wannabe Hypocrite, I have documentation.

To whit, Mom is a card-carrying member of the Pottawatomie Nation.  Srlsy, she has a card and everything.  Now the Pottawatomie have an expansive membership policy, but one of my voyageur ancestors really did marry a Pottawatomie woman, and we have family records (IIRC, this voyageur went on to found Milwaukee).  I'd be rich, except he was Catholic and so me and a million other people all have a claim on that estate.

But I digress.  Whenever some Republican "family values" man gets caught in flagrante delecto, the papers make it front page news for a week.  Or two.  It's not about the sex, they tell us, it's about the hypocrisy.  Okie fine.  So here we have a flaming liberal - supporter of Affirmative Action to help those oppressed in the past - a rich liberal who scams that system to get a fancy Harvard Law post worth a cool third of a mil a year.  And the reaction to the "it's the hypocrisy, stupid" media?


In other news about the news, it seems that we only think that the media is biased because we're biased. [rolls eyes]

Will the last person laid off by the MSM please turn out the lights?  We know you're a bunch of hypocritical dweebs but you do pretend to care about the environment and all.


Robert Hewes said...

The senator from CT, the "honorable" Dickhead Blumenthal, lied about serving in Vietnam. He was still elected. Further proof that New England isn't real America.

Sabra said...

She should have claimed to be Mashantuquet Pequot. Should be easy to prove membership in a tribe that doesn't exist anyway.

To be fair, lack of papers doesn't mean lack of blood. My grandmother was never issued a birth certificate, so genealogical efforts end abruptly. But then, we've never tried profiting from it.

Adventures in Self Reliance said...

My Grandpa was 80 acres worth of Cherokee. Possibly more on my Mom's side but it could not be proven so I never claimed any Native American tribe. They do offer some great incentives for schooling here in Idaho but it seems they want a little proof instead of just "Family Lore"

Anonymous said...

Does having a native Alaskan daughter in law count?

doubletrouble said...

Way, waaay back on my mother's side was an ancestor who was a member of the Phucawi tribe in southern Canada.

Now, I can proudly yell,

"We're the Phucawi!"

NotClauswitz said...

My wife is way-more Chickasaw than anything Warren skinny-dipped in her shallow blond gene-pool.

Brock Townsend said...

Bad Eagle

2cents said...

Um, yeah, but didn't the very first of your ancestor's to step foot on the continent shoot a poor indian dead on his way in to shore to take said first step in America? I think that pretty much precludes you from claim native american ancestry.

Quizikle said...

I've got some little bit of Anglo-Saxon perverting the purity of my Celtic blood...