Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guy Fawkes, where are you when we need you?

On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes and some friends packed the cellar of Parliament with gunpowder. The plot was discovered before he was able to trigger an Earth Shattering Kaboom, sending the British.Gov to meet its maker.

Ever since, it's been a jolly good excuse for brits to build great roaring bonfires, to shoot off fireworks, and to burn Catholics in effigy. Oh, and drink lots of beer. Rather Redneck, actually - in the best sense of the term. I have fond memories of sitting in the Weston Super-Mare Rugby Football Club grandstand, watching fireworks being launched up into the drizzle. Despite the infant #2 Son being terrified of the firework's kabooms, it was quite a fun time.

Yes, beer was involved.
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
To readers in the UK (and Commonwealth), happy Bonfire night! We Colonials won't mind if you get, err, your Redneck on.

Sadly, there's nobody on this side of The Pond with Guy's mettle. The Cellar is sadly gunpowderless.

Well, it is.

UPDATE 5 November 2009 14:33: Welcome visitors from New Jovian Thunderbolt. More European Redneck stuff here. Thanks for the link, T-Bolt!


native said...

Very Inspiring indeed Borepatch!
Never heard about that story but will be repeating it to friends for awhile now.

Wild Ed said...
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Paladin said...

As much it might seem like everone can tell when tongue is in cheek -

Please Be Careful, Pal.

Tangalor said...

I bought my Guy mask for halloween, and will be reinforcing it with titanium alloy as soon as funds allow... so in case someone tries to punch me, It'll make a nice *ting* sound.

In seriousness, though... I hold this day right up there with towel day for British holidays.

Fawkes is welcome in my home any day. So is Adams (Douglas, that is)