"If you think this is the time, I'll support that decision."
His vet said that today. Crap.
I took this picture seven years ago today, when we got three feet of snow in Maryland. He made a trail through the snow for The Queen Of The World, and loved every minute.
Today when the vet said those words, TQOTW cried. She's not ready for this. I'm not ready for this. How could you be?
Wolfgang's back legs get tangled up when he walks. Sometimes he falls. It's hard for him to stand up a lot of the time. But his mind is clear, and he wants to play with his doggie friends. The other day at the local dog park when one of his friends was chasing a ball, I didn't let him play chase. He has always loved that. But I knew it would make him hurt for days. So I held his collar and didn't let him run.
He cried. That about killed me.
Today at the vet I realized that it's not that we won't have him for years (heck, y'all might not have me for that). But we might not have him for months, or maybe weeks.
I'm not ready for this. I know what's coming, and what's approaching. We won't let him suffer. But this is too soon, too soon, too damn soon.
"If you think this is the time, I'll support that decision."