Saturday, December 18, 2021

Alison Kraus and Yo Yo Ma - Wexford Carol

This is so so not "Who put the pecker on the snowman".  It's actually the opposite of that song.

I mean, you can listen to this with your kids.  Srlsy.


jabrwok said...

If you want to enjoy some good Christmas music, here's Loreena McKennitt's entire collection of such. Highly recommended.

BobF said...

Almost every time you present music I end up hooked for hours playing the clip, reading lyrics, and making comparisons. It is a wonderful combination of enjoyment and education.
This piece is one of my two favorites, the other being from one of the Celtic Woman albums.

Bigus Macus said...

Truly Beautiful, Thank you and God Bless

Old NFO said...

And they DID get it in one!!!

Aesop said...

Since the first time I heard this, it's loaded in the car MP3 player, and plays in regular rotation with other Christmas faves.

And I would listen to Alison Krauss sing even the labels on toothpaste tubes or cereal boxes just to listen to her voice.