Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Free videoconferencing service available

Cisco's WebEx videoconferencing service is probably the market leading service for big companies to have videoconference meetings.  They've made it available to anyone for free.  This stuff is the real deal (I work from home and use this every day).

If you work with a group that could use this - or if you can use it by yourself with friends or family - go get you some.  All you need is a browser.

Full Disclosure: I work for Cisco, but get no sales commission on these $0 orders.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Darn. I've been using Freeconferencecall.com.
I don't have much time to convert my Bible Study to Cisco.

Borepatch said...

Ed, it should be pretty straight forward. If you can send emails to the class, you can embed a link that should be a pretty transparent experience for them.

Plus, if they get bad VOPI audio there's an 800 number for dial-in.

libertyman said...

We are using Zoom at the college, and I just got this news:


Any precautions necessary for WebEx?

Old NFO said...

It's okay as long as you have a good STABLE internet... sigh

Stephen Gustav said...

Zoom is sending your data to who knows who.

Discord is free, easy to use, does video and screen sharing, and your kids probably already use it.

Set up a family chat in like three seconds this morning.

Borepatch said...

Stephen, Cisco has a WebEx Meetings privacy datasheet that says what they do to protect the data:


Libertyman, Webex has controls where you can limit who gets in, and the host can expel someone from the meeting. I would recommend being careful with who gets an invitation, but if someone forwards an email with the info the host will want to look at the attendee list.

Kurt said...

That's an outrage. You should get a 100% commission on those $0.00 orders.

Time to write a stiff letter to your HR department.

The Real Kurt