Thursday, February 26, 2015

I lauged and laughed

Biker chicks.  Grrrr, Baby!  Very grrr!

The best reason ever to not have antivirus software.

The theological reason to drink during Lent.  I mean, you can't argue with theology.


The Big Guy said...

I've been pondering what to give up for Lent...

I think I'll be giving up abstinence...

(Not sure my wife is going to like this...)


Chickenmom said...

Thanks for the link, Borepatch! Glad you liked it!

tsquared said...

OK, I guess you must still be on some good drugs. I found them all to be a little amusing but not off the chain (The chicks were the best).

Then again I am a little bit cranky, I had to broil a steak in the oven because the grill is out of gas. Good steak marginalized by a gas oven.

Old NFO said...

Those are some real weiners there... :-)