Monday, February 9, 2009

Red Light cameras rigged to generate more tickets?

I keep hearing that we need to be more like the sophisticated Europeans. Okey-dokey, let's try this on for size:
It's no secret that red light cameras are often used to generate more ticket revenue for the cities that implement them, but a scam has been uncovered in Italy that has led to one arrest and 108 investigations over traffic systems being rigged to stop sooner for the sole purpose of ticketing more motorists.
There is a very interesting discussion of traffic safety in the comments at Slashdot. As we see more and more communities using red light cameras as a revenue source, we can expect to see higher accident rates - the incentive structure will tend to push communities naturally to shorter yellow light times. This will generate more tickets, although will cause more accidents as drivers slam on their brakes to try to avoid a $200 fine, and get rear-ended. Of course, the costs of the accidents are borne by the public, not the government, so it's all upside for the government.

And to the argument that it could never happen here, the obvious reply is why? Do you think that we're smarter and more sophisticated than Europeans?

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