Monday, February 16, 2009

Are Democrats afraid of pushing gun control?

Jay poses a question:
Now that Obama is flush with his "success" at ramming through the largest spending bill in US history, with concomitant fawning press, is he going to turn his gaze towards banning (certain) guns? With this spendulus bill he's come a hell of a lot closer to national health care than Bill Clinton ever came; isn't it conceivable that Obama would want to out-ban Bubba, too?
What I find very strange is that, while they snuck all sorts of stuff into the "stimulus" bill, they didn't put any gun control measures into it. At least as far as I've heard.

This can only mean they think that gun control has emerged as at least enough of a "third rail" that it can short circuit anything they attach it to.

They've just paid off most of the left. It will be really interesting to see if the left's appetite has gorwn with the eating.

UPDATE 19 February 12:43: Life on Sleepy Creek linked. Thanks!


Jay G said...

"It will be really interesting to see if the left's appetite has gorwn with the eating."

Bank on it.

This is merely the start, my friend. Might want to think about getting that permit - while you still can.

(oh, and thanks for the linky-love!)

Anonymous said...

I saw a report that the leftists are pissed, that Obamalama is going to slowly on implementing, their Marxist-Leninist doctrine.

JD said...

Interesting take on it. I think Zero wants a second term so is keeping the gun stuff quiet if he even touches it for now. Once he gets his second term all bets are off and he will disarm us so he can go for his third term. . . .

Of course there won't be much of a country left if he gets a term two. . .