Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Idiot Savant

The brain is a funny thing, automatically associating one thing with other things. Computers are surprisingly bad at this - while really good at brute force, exhaustive searching (for example, IBM's Deep Blue champion chess playing computer), nobody has been able to make a computer that will pass the Turing Test - basically, fool a human into thinking that the computer is another person.

So computers remain Idiot Savants - frighteningly good at a very narrow set of problems, and hopeless at what we would expect from a normally bright child.

For example - and to show that I'm at least comparable to a normally bright child - I saw this on Al Gore's Intarwebz.

My warped brain immediately thought of the old Animaniacs TV show, and the "Mime Time" segment that they would have.

A computer doesn't have a sense of humor, warped or not. It also tends not to do well making associations like this, at least without a lot of programming work. Amazon's "People who bought this also bought these other things" is not an artificial intelligence example; rather, it's tapping into the "Wisdom of Crowds" to let people make the associations. A computer would pick mostly really inappropriate suggestions, like the idiot savant that it is.


Eagle said...

Heh... the picture needed to be posted somewhere. After all...

... wait for it ...

a mime is a terrible thing to waste.

Sorry. Hadda say it... ;-)

Weer'd Beard said...

You see Mel Brooks' "Silent Movie"

Only spoken word in the whole picture was Marcel Marceau (sp?) The question (in dialoge cards) was "Will you be in our picture?"

The spoken responce: "Non!"

Punchline (again in dialog cards) "What did he say?"
"I don't know, I don't speak French!"
