Smacks of post-modern literary criticism, but funny post-modern literary criticism.
I'm not any kind of gun or shooting expert. I like shooting, and shoot a fair number of different guns, but I'm really a dilettante. Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited.
I don't do scientific, repeatable tests. There's no checklist, although that's not a bad idea. I write about what I like and don't like, but it's pretty much stream of consciousness. Opinion, we got opinion here. Step right up.
I'm not a shooting teacher, although I do like to introduce people to shooting. Maybe some day I'll take the NRA teaching class, but until then, you get a dilettante's view. You'll get opinion here, but if you get serious about shooting, you'll want to get someone who knows what he's doing to give you some pointers. It can help.
And oh yeah, shooting things is fun.
And just because, here's When You Say Nothing At All, just because.You're the lucky one so I've been told
Free as the wind blowin' down the road
Loved by many, hated by none
I'd say you were lucky 'cause I know what you've done
Not a care in the world, not a worry in sight
Everything is gonna be alright 'cause you're the lucky one
You're the lucky one, always havin' fun
A jack-of-all-trades, a master of none
You look at the world with a smilin' eye
And laugh at the devil as his train rolls by
Give you a song and a one-night stand
You'll be lookin' at a happy man 'cause you're the lucky one
Well you're blessed I guess
For never knowin' which road you're choosin'
To you the next best thing
To playin' and winnin' is playin' and losin'
You're the lucky one, I know that now
Don't ask you why, when, where, or how
You look at the world through your smilin' eye
And laugh at the devil as his train rolls by
Give you a song and a one-night stand
You'll be lookin' at a happy man 'cause you're the lucky one
You're the lucky one, I know that now
Don't ask you why, when, where, or how
No matter where you're at it's where you'll be
You can bet your luck won't follow me
Just give you a song and a one-night stand
You'll be lookin' at a happy man 'cause you're the lucky one
May has a must-read.As a practical matter, "cap and trade" will . . .
* Raise your electricity and gasoline bills
* Provide politicians with new tools to control the economy, hand out favors, and punish enemies
* Be as ineffective in doing "research" as the Energy Department has been
Ironically, Microsoft describes the fix as a "non-security update," and it offers this explanation: "In this case, we are communicating the availability of an update that affects your ability to perform subsequent updates, including security updates. Therefore, this advisory does not address a specific security vulnerability; rather, it addresses your overall security."Huh? Classified computers got infected. I-N-F-E-C-T-E-D. But no security fix to see here. Move along, folks.
A 23-year-old male from the Dominican Republic spent five days in hospital suffering from an attack of priapism while doctors battled in vain to encourage his hideously empurpled member to succumb to deflatory treatment. ....Those TV ads that say seek medical attention if your (ahem) lasts longer than four hours? How about six days? Boy, howdy.
"A young patient was admitted a few days ago with a priapic problem. We carried out the usual treatments to encourage the penis to soften, but didn't manage to obtain the desired result."
Astrology. Heh.Three of the five researchers disagree with the UN's IPCC view that recent warming is primarily the consequence of man-made industrial emissions of greenhouse gases. Remarkably, the subtle and nuanced language typical in such reports has been set aside.
One of the five contributors compares computer climate modelling to ancient astrology. Others castigate the paucity of the US ground temperature data set used to support the hypothesis, and declare that the unambiguous warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century has ceased.
In any case, it appears that Linux (and piracy) is a larger blip on Microsoft's radar than Apple, and it's not hard to see why. With an economy that's not doing very well, people will opt for cheaper products. Apple cannot offer those, but Linux and piracy can.Follow the link to the article, which has a copy of Ballmer's presentation slide.
The designers behind a car that flies with the aid of a parachute, say they have reached another milestone in the project - flying in the skies over Africa. [warning: annoying video ad required]The company flew the car from London to Africa.
No one's talking about it, but what about the private mortgage insurance (PMI) or mortgage insurance premium (MIP) bullshit that was supposed to protect the investors from things like this?When I bought my first hous, back in the Pleistocene Age, PMI was the biggest monthly irritant we had. Each month, we had to shell out something like $150 for what was essentially an insurance policy. Once I owned 20% or 25% of the house value, I could drop the PMI. Happy dance time.
Long-time readers will remember that this isn't the first time that a high profile politician has had their email account compromised. Sarah Palin's email was hacked during the election.The email, sent from a Hotmail account, claimed Straw was in Nigeria promoting a charity called Empowering Youth to Fight Racism, and was supposedly in trouble after losing his wallet. One constituent reportedly replied to the bogus email, but no money was offered.
The Hotmail account used in the attack was later suspended but Straw's official website still lists blackburnlabour@hotmail.com as an email contact address for those interested in reaching the Blackburn MP.
So, DoubleClick can't be bothered to check if there's malware in the ads that they serve up to annoy you.Google's DoubleClick ad network has once again been caught distributing malicious banner displays, this time on the home page of eWeek.
Unsuspecting end users who browse the Ziff Davis Enterprise Holdings-owned site were presented with malvertisements with invisible iframes that redirect them to attack websites, according to researchers at Websense. The redirects use one of two methods to infect users with malware, including rogue anti-virus software. *.doubleclick.com5. Save the file. When you save, make sure that it's not saved as a Text file - there's a "Save as type" option where you should pick "All files". This will save the file with the file name "HOSTS" instead of "HOSTS.TXT".
# cat " *.doubleclick.com" >> /etc/hostsOf course, you didn't need me to tell you that. You don't need to worry about malware from the ads, but this will turn off the annoying adverts.
There's more, much more.Mother: “Give me that gun!”
Child: “No!”
Mother: “Give ME THAT GUN!”
Child: “No!”
Mother takes the gun.
Child cries.
Father (from Kitchen Table): “Give him back that gun, Nancy Pelosi!”
Not that it was any easier getting that. It's quite an interesting read, especially the unexpected punchline at the end (which I won't spoil). It has the ring of truth to it.What is there? The following garbage is there. Microsoft Autoupdate Exclusive test package, Microsoft Autoupdate Reboot test package, Microsoft Autoupdate testpackage1. Microsoft AUtoupdate testpackage2, Microsoft Autoupdate Test package3.
Someone decided to trash the one part of Windows that was usable? The file system is no longer usable. The registry is not usable. This program listing was one sane place but now it is all crapped up.
But that is just the start of the crap. Later I have listed things like Windows XP Hotfix see Q329048 for more information. What is Q329048? Why are these series of patches listed here? Some of the patches just things like Q810655 instead of saying see Q329048 for more information.
What an absolute mess.
Moviemaker is just not there at all.
So I give up on Moviemaker and decide to download the Digital Plus Package.
A glitch in satellite sensors caused scientists to underestimate the extent of Arctic sea ice by 500,000 square kilometers (193,000 square miles), a California- size area, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center said.Remember poor Mrs. Polar Bear and her cubs, drowning in the ice-free ocean? Oops.
Walt Meier writes with a clarification: “One detail, though perhaps an important [one]. I realize that it is bit confusing, but it is just one channel of the sensor that has issues. And it isn’t so much that it “failed”, but that quality degraded to the point the sea ice algorithm - the process to convert the raw data into sea ice concentration/extent - failed on Monday.See, it wasn't the sensor that failed, it only degraded. It was the computer model that failed. But it's a different model than the ones that show the earth is irreversibly warming, so don't worry.
Gee, ya think?Blackpool escaped being blitzed during the Second World War because Hitler wanted to use the resort as his personal playground.
The Fuhrer planned to watch his triumphant troops goosestepping down the seafront's Golden Mile before unfurling the swastika flag on top of Blackpool Tower.
The plan to spare Blackpool made little military sense. ...
The reason has now been explained in documents recovered from an old German military base.
It is my profound conviction, based on a great deal of experience with it, that the MP is a silly weapon - clumsy, wasteful, puny for its bulk, over-prone to run dry at the most inconvenient moment, and a source of frequently lethal over-confidence.Other than that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
Fully automatic fire can be fearfully effective - off a tripod or a vehicular bracket. An honest-to-God machinegun, shooting a full-sized rifle cartridge and handled by a team of experts, can win battles - not just fights. But hand-held automatic fire is generally a drag. It is great fun, but to be taken seriously only if fun is the object of the exercise.While I'm not qualified to comment on Col. Cooper's professional assessment, here Chez Borepatch I can confirm that the mission objective was indeed fun, and the mission was achieved.
Well, it mostly says that.A film about truth ...
beauty ...
freedom ...
foolish pride ...
and most important ...
She stayed up all night and cried into her pillow
And fought off the urge to just break down and call
Last night to find the fault seemed so darn easy
But now whose to blame don't matter much at all
She thinks if she calls him it just shows weakness
So the hurt goes on with every tear she's cried
Ain't it sad to see a good love fall to pieces
Chalk another heartbreak up to foolish pride
Turn out the lights the competition's over
The stubborn souls are the losers here tonight
And while the bridges burn, another hard-hard lesson's learned
As through the ashes passion slowly dies
And this romance goes down to foolish pride
He relives every word they spoke in anger
He walks the floor and punches out the wall
To apologize to her would be so simple
But instead he cries I'll be damned if I'll crawl
If he loses her he's lost his best friend
And that's more then just a lover can provide
So he wrestles with emotions that defeat him
Chalk another love lost up to foolish pride
Turn out the lights the competition's over
The stubborn souls are the losers here tonight
And while the bridges burn, another hard-hard lesson's learned
As through the ashes passion slowly dies
And this romance goes down to foolish pride
Chalk another heartbreak up to foolish pride
The number of cyber security incidents at federal civilian agencies reported to the US Department of Homeland Security's US-CERT has tripled since 2006. In fiscal 2008, 18,050 incidents were reported, compared with 12,986 in fiscal 2007 and 5,144 in fiscal 2006. Agencies are required to report cyber security incidents under the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA); such incidents include unauthorized access, denial of service, malicious code, improper use, scans, probes and attempted unauthorized access.Things are pretty serious for the Fed.Gov security types. USB thumb drives have been banned after classified network suffered malware outbreaks. So what's the plan from the presumptive CyberSecurity Czar?
"Who is in charge [in the event of] a cyber-Katrina?" said [Paul] Kurtz, who served on homeland security councils for both the Clinton and Bush administrations and is now a security consultant with Good Harbor. "Is it the FCC? DHS? Commerce? The White House? No one has an answer to that, and that's pretty darn scary."I'll take Bureaucratic Infighting for $500, Alex ...
Republican politicians on Thursday called for a sweeping new federal law that would require all Internet providers and operators of millions of Wi-Fi access points, even hotels, local coffee shops, and home users, to keep records about users for two years to aid police investigations.Of course, it's For The Children™.
"While the Internet has generated many positive changes in the way we communicate and do business, its limitless nature offers anonymity that has opened the door to criminals looking to harm innocent children," U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, said at a press conference on Thursday. "Keeping our children safe requires cooperation on the local, state, federal, and family level."Let's count how many separate, unique ways this is stupid. You can keep score at home!
And so to the title of this post. Save us,The first rule of a police state is that EVERYONE is breaking the law.
As tedious as it is, Atlas Shrugged has something to teach us. Don't bother to read the book though, all you need to know is in the following quote [wordpress.com]:
"Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against--then you'll know that this is not the age for beautiful gestures. We're after power and we mean it. You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you'd better get wise to it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted--and you create a nation of law-breakers--and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
Sometimes I feel like a bot whose only real purpose is to paste this quote. But as it is a leading force in American society that people seem to have mostly forgotten, I believe it bears some heavy repetition.
According to BldgBlog, approximately 4,000 oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico will be decommissioned within the next century. Morris proposed to convert this space into exclusive, self-sufficient eco-friendly, high-end resort islands off the Gulf of Mexico, dubbing it our very own American DubaiKind of clever how he plans to do it. Click through to the article.
What's particularly disturbing is that what's really broken is not the encryption, but authentication: the bit that tells you that you're actually communicating with the site you think you are.Website encryption has sustained another body blow, this time by an independent hacker who demonstrated a tool that can steal sensitive information by tricking users into believing they're visiting protected sites when in fact they're not.
Unveiled Wednesday at the Black Hat security conference in Washington, SSLstrip works on public Wi-Fi networks, onion-routing systems, and anywhere else a man-in-the-middle attack is practical. It converts pages that normally would be protected by the secure sockets layer protocol into their unencrypted versions. It does this while continuing to fool both the website and the user into believing the security measure is still in place.
Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, said Wednesday the United States was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues.Several things come to mind:
Note to The Guardian: youA prospective pub landlord says the police insistence on him installing CCTV cameras to film everyone entering his pub threatens his customers' civil liberties.
Nick Gibson says he has been in a "silent rage" since the police outlined conditions to his licence application, which also requires him to hand over any film of drinkers on request.
The row comes a week after a House of Lords report stated that the steady expansion of the "surveillance society" risked undermining fundamental freedoms including the right to privacy.Note to the Lords: you don't have any fundamental freedoms, other than those that your
The problem with bad security is that it looks just like good security. You can't tell the difference by looking at the finished product. Both make the same security claims; both have the same functionality.Companies spend a lot of money checking out security claims by its vendors. Entire industries - for example, Analyst organizations like Gartner Group -do a good business verifying vendor claims.
A UK childcare voucher scheme has admitted that confidential customer data was briefly left exposed to other users during an upgrade last week, but denied suggestions that any sensitive information leaked as a result. ...John Leyden describes the system architecture that this organization used; what's surprising is not that it leaked sensitive data like a sieve, but that it took so long for anyone to notice. Basically, it's built on ten year old software, which means "save a boatload of money by not upgrading the system, and anyway what could possibly go wrong?"
Nick Gibbins, a Busy Bees user who discovered the breach and notified the firm, states he found email addresses of Busy Bees customers, National Insurance numbers, bank account details, payment logs and service logs on the site. In a blog posting, now restricted but still available through Google cache, Gibbins claimed that personal data for over one hundred thousand users was exposed by lax web security at Busy Bees.
“Cybercrime cost businesses an estimated $1 trillion worldwide in 2008, and some security experts believe the threat may be so bad that we may need to re-think our entire approach to the Internet.”Via Bryon Acohido's blog, which comes recommended by SANS, which you don't see every day. Or ever, come to think of it. They have a good, free security "newsbites" email service, if that's your bag, baby.
Barack Obama promised on Monday not to rest as long as this economic downturn persisted. He promised to act decisively, change whatever had to be changed, spend whatever had to be spent. This is precisely what worries the investors to whom I spoke. They’d rather see the audacity of doing nothing.He blogs at Harvard Law School, so he meets the official definition of "wicked smaht." RTWT.
British and French nuclear missile submarines collided earlier this month beneath the Atlantic, according to reports. Much is being made of the fact that the two subs "failed to see each other", but this is actually quite normal.I get a lot of my technology news from The Register, but this is the only article that gets this right. "Quiet" isn't a bug, it's a feature.
After all, the whole reason that nations expensively put nuclear missiles on submarines is that it's the only reliable way of making it impossible for anyone to know where the missiles are. Nobody should be surprised at two purposely-designed undetectable launch platforms having remained undetected.What's astonishing to me is that this is astonishing to the MSM. Auntie Beeb missed this, The Sun (UK) missed it, too. The Sun calls it "Unthinkable." Well, then. Maybe they should get their technology news from El Reg:
At an event held in London this morning, Admiral Sir Jonathan Band (the First Sea Lord, head of the Royal Navy) told reporters including the Reg that both subs were on routine national-deterrent patrols and had hit each other while "moving very slowly". This is a missile boat's normal posture while on deterrent patrol, as it makes the sub as silent and undetectable as possible - evidently quite successfully in this case.Kind of the point, innit, lads? Oh, and UK pols are grandstanding, happy to display their utter lack of a clue:
Um, it's Nitroglycerine that goes boom when you drop it, not Trident missles, mkay? They're, like, designed to not go off unless they're armed and all.Lib Dem defence spokesman Nick Harvey has called for an immediate internal inquiry with some of the conclusions made public.
"While the British nuclear fleet has a good safety record, if there were ever to be a bang it would be a mighty big one," he said.
While eating breakfast in the Las Vegas airport this morning, I met three ironworkers from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. They said that work had been slow lately. Did they expect the stimulus bill going through Congress to help them out? Would $1 trillion in new government spending lead to more construction jobs? “That’s just blowing money up a wild hog’s ass.”Why yes it is. Plus a post about a teacher who quit to become a flying instructor:
"... how could you quit an $80,000/year union job to become an $8/hour flight instructor?"RTWT.
Now that Obama is flush with his "success" at ramming through the largest spending bill in US history, with concomitant fawning press, is he going to turn his gaze towards banning (certain) guns? With this spendulus bill he's come a hell of a lot closer to national health care than Bill Clinton ever came; isn't it conceivable that Obama would want to out-ban Bubba, too?What I find very strange is that, while they snuck all sorts of stuff into the "stimulus" bill, they didn't put any gun control measures into it. At least as far as I've heard.
Can you make the people at ballparks across the country play Huey Lewis and the News' song I Want a New Drug every time Alex Rodriguez come to bat.Heh. Great song.
Sagan's discussion is a pretty good layman's introduction.
Criticism of the Drake equation follows mostly from the observation that several terms in the equation are largely or entirely based on conjecture.Now look, I don't have a problem with conjecture, as long as you call it that. But Sagan doesn't. He doesn't explicitly say that it's not science, and he doesn't explicitly say it is. He also does something very interesting: he doesn't remotely spend the same amount of time or emphasis on each variable. Sagan talks a lot about the variable for intelligent civilizations that blow themselves up. He even tries a couple of different values for that variable, so see how the number N changes. Go watch it again, paying attention to this emphasis. It's quite striking.
Court records show library employees tried repeatedly to contact Koontz by phone and mail. A police officer even visited her home last September.I'm with the police on this one. They called to say the book was overdue and please bring it back. And called and called. They sent a policeman, not to arrest her, but to tell her that they called and called. What was she waiting for?
Officials at the Buchanan County jail say Koontz was released after posting $250 bond.
A guy by the nickname of roholbro has spent a kajillion hours and bricks completing this huge reproduction of an Star Wars' Separatist Landing Craft, which can hold a whooping one hundred minifigs. One. Hundred.
Quit my job flipped off the boss took my name of the payroll.
(screw you man)
Picked up my cell rang my baby's bell said I'm three miles from home.
I said sugar why don't you put on that sundress I like so much,
Wait out by the road I'm comin' to pick you up.
Throw your suitcase in the back,
Done gassed up the pontiac,
Blastin' out to Johnny Cash, headin' for the highway,
Baby we ain't ever comin' back.
It's four hundred and sixty seven miles to the outskirts of Las Vegas.
What do you say we go get married by a preacher man that looks like Elvis.
(yeah momma)
Sugar don't you worry bout tellin' your momma goodbye,
We'll send her a souvenier postcard from the wild side.
Throw your suitcase in the back,
Done gassed up the pontiac,
Blastin' out to Johnny Cash, headin' for the highway,
Baby we ain't ever comin' back.
Throw your suitcase in the back,
Done gassed up the pontiac,
Blastin' out to Johnny Cash, headin' for the highway,
Baby we ain't ever comin' back.
Hear that train a comin', rollin' round the bend.
the man in black is gonna rock your ass again.