Monday, May 7, 2012

What's that, you say? "Trust but verify"?

Don't worry, it's peer reviewed!  Oh, wait:
If you’re a psychologist, the news has to make you a little nervous—particularly if you’re a psychologist who published an article in 2008 in any of these three journals: Psychological Science, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, or the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

Because, if you did, someone is going to check your work. A group of researchers have already begun what they’ve dubbed the Reproducibility Project, which aims to replicate every study from those three journals for that one year. The project is part of Open Science Framework, a group interested in scientific values, and its stated mission is to “estimate the reproducibility of a sample of studies from the scientific literature.” This is a more polite way of saying “We want to see how much of what gets published turns out to be bunk.”
You mean that Science isn't about getting published in blue ribbon journals and getting sweet, sweet government grant funding?  It's about reproduceability of results? That's crazy talk.  Next you'll doubt that Dinosaur farts caused Global Warming.

I mean, that's Settled Science®.  I mean, everything caused Global Warming ...

This will be an interesting one.  An awful lot of science these days isn't reproduceable at all.


Old NFO said...

LOL, yep there will be some crapping little green apples... :-)

Paul, Dammit! said...

I once spent 3 weeks of 12-hour days trying to find a statistical array that would support the hypothesis of some grant work gone sour. 50+ permutations, and nothing. Finally, I found an alternate hypothesis that was supportable enough to publish so that my department head could put out the hand for another $5 million.

R.K. Brumbelow said...
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R.K. Brumbelow said...

Even dinosaur .. umm 'flatulence' caused global warming according to an article being cited by all kinds of sites including
National Geographic

Borepatch said...

R K Brumbelow, the Dinosaurs walked theearth for 160 *million* years (queue Dr. Evil).

Sauropods in particular ( the largest herbaceous dinos) were present in the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. What was different in the the last 10 million years from the preceding 150 M years?

This is presumptively "Science by Press Release" and deserves all the mockery we can heap on it until it suggests otherwise. I've done my best here.

No need to thank me. It's all part of being a Full Service Climate Change blog.

Windy Wilson said...

Now, no one is supposed to know that Al Gore's nickname in Divinity School was "Dinosaur Farts". The Secret Service will be by your house this evening to talk to you.

R.K. Brumbelow said...

What makes it all the more humorous Oh Great and Mighty Borepatch is that I am a YEC. My derision for the politicization of science is deep.

The fact is we know that ancient global warming was caused by the Sleestaks trying to overthrow their cute and furry, but rightful, masters during a previous Zombie Alpacalypse.*

*There is easily as much truth in this as the current carbon dioxide is going to kill us all debacle.