Monday, February 5, 2024

This seems like a wedge issue for Donald Trump to use

Via The Queen Of The World we see this:

Illegal immigrants in the Big Apple will soon start receiving pre-paid debit cards that they must pledge to use only to buy food, according to New York City records and media reports.

Records indicate that New York City has awarded a $53 million contract to a company called Mobility Capital Finance (MoCaFi), which will create and distribute the pre-paid cards, called immediate response cards.

The question is whether the traditional members of the Democratic Party's coalition will resent that illegal aliens get government largess that they think should go to them.


Gerry said...

By pledge, do they have to pinky swear, crossed finger don't count?

Aesop said...

This restriction seems sensible to Dumbocrats because illegal aliens are renowned for their obedience to rules and laws.

Old NFO said...

Dammit Aesop, I just snorted coffee everywhere... sigh...

glasslass said...

I assume that all will be named and fingerprinted before given the cards.

You may stop laughing now.

libertyman said...

For years, I was under the impression that Congress would have to vote to allocate monies for a particular program or purpose. I thought it was the purpose of that legislative body to write such laws. When did this all change? Silly me, I thought also that to go to war, Congress was somehow involved.
I wish someone would explain the changes to me, I sure can't figure this out.

danielbarger said...

If record levels of inflation and taxation can't win the White House for the GOP then NOTHING can. But in reality the results of this years election was decided in 2020....when the left perfected their vote fraud system. TINVOWOOT

Murphy(AZ) said...

This is not my America. I'm tired of open borders, giveaways to people who didn't earn and don't deserve them. I'm tired of law and order being nothing more than a joke. I'm sickened that a socialist billionaire has been allowed to purchase the destruction of what used to be the finest justice system in the world. And yesterday's mail brought tidings of great joy from the IRS. It's tax time again.


Justin_O_Guy said...

They get someone to let them pay for their stuff at the store and give them cash. Until they can buy a gun. Then everything is free.

Ruggles said...

over the Thanksgiving holiday the chicogo parasite class got all bent out of shape because the new parasites were out competing them .I watched a couple interviews where the locals were bitterly complaining about how the "migrants" were in line at 7 in the morning and got all the free stuff before the locals .

Justin_O_Guy said...

But, but,, alarm clocks, being On Time,, that's All white Supremacist stuff.