Monday, December 17, 2018

The new Army uniforms look pretty sharp

Story here.  Now if the Navy would just go back to their old uniforms, we'd really be getting somewhere.


Eagle said...

The berets were stupid - a PC attempt to say "you're special TOO" to those who never qualified to wear a Green Beret.

These new uniforms are a throwback to WW2 uniforms - a traditional and solid look for members of the Army. And if they can bring back the standard or Fort Knox caps, they'll look really good.

I agree: the Navy needs to go back to dress blues and dress whites, and ditch the stupid visor caps for traditional white GOB caps.

Divemedic said...

I hated the dungarees, mostly because we were not allowed to wear them off base. Every other branch could wear BDUs off base, but we were stuck having to change clothes before we could leave base.

Beans said...

Now do something about the atrocious Air Force uniforms, too. Including dress uniforms. Step back into the past with everything.

skybill said...

What "Divemedic" said!!
I concur!! If you were attached to a ship you had to wear your uniform off an then change into civies!! Attached to a shore station you could do anything you want!! NAVY BRASS NOTE!!! That is the "ONLY" reason as a PR-2 I did not become a "PR-1" "Slick sleeve!!!!!" If ya'll woulda' lightened up... I'd a done 20!!!!!

McChuck said...

The uniforms look nice. Now if we could only go back to some of the policies from back then...

And there was nothing wrong with the blue uniforms. The Army Uniform Board changes uniforms every few years just to make more money off the troops. It's funny how many retired generals are on the boards of the companies that make the uniforms...

Aesop said...

No word on how long before they set to unf**king the soldiers they put into those uniforms, by canning the Obozo-era PC bullsh*t to which they currently subject everyone from E-1 to O-10, and stop recruiting fruitcakes, gender benders, and other mentally defective snowflakes, and start manning the line with actual, y'know, men.

But this is a start.

Will said...


They should regress the Air Force all the way back to the Army Air Corp. Better uniforms, and a fix for the stupid Key West agreement on aircraft usage.

LSP said...

Great result, never should've left them.