Friday, November 24, 2017


The Queen Of The World made a spectacular Thanksgiving feast.  She gets into Field Marshall mode when she does this sort of thing, and so I wasn't allowed into the kitchen, other for the odd fetch and carry.  She even decorated the top of the mincemeat pie with pieces of dough representing a grape vine.

The roast bird, stuffing, sweet potatoes and all the fixings were delicious, but coma-inducing.  Blogging will resume when the tryptophan wears off.


Randall said...

Mincemeat Pie! I sometimes think only our family eats mincemeat (outside of England). Our family recipe comes from my grandmother which calls for using venison and suet. Good stuff... mincemeat-pie

Old NFO said...

Yep, finally recovering myself...

libertyman said...

You have a lot to be thankful for, indeed!