Friday, December 20, 2013

I've had bad luck with my children

We've had bad luck with children; they've all grown up.
- Christopher Morley
#2 Son is 18 years old today.  My bad luck is that I still see him as this:

That's as fresh and filled with promise as moonlight on a Martini, or something.  Now he wants to get his motorcycle license.  Can't really blame him.  But damn, I feel old for a moment here.

Well, at least I can send him on errands to the store ...


WoFat said...

My son had a birthday this month. 'What do you MEAN he's 49?' I screamed at her.

Old NFO said...

Congrats to him and to y'all! :-) You got him this far, now he's got to step out of the shadow!

Rev. Paul said...

It was much harder letting go of the youngest ... I'm still struggling with that, just a bit.

Dave H said...

Not to add to your trepidation, but my son just turned 18 last month and wrecked his car 2 weeks later. Then he got a tattoo.

But don't worry, I'm sure your son is much more responsible.


WoFat said...

We had the wrecked car period, but no tattoos, as of yet.