Nonsense, say the Usual Suspects. They're just trying to save the world because ZOMG THERMAGEDDON!!!eleventy!!!!
I mean, everything was all hunky dory before the Industrial Age. Right? Err, nazzo fast:
A period covering the heyday of both the Roman Empire and China's Han dynasty saw a big rise in greenhouse gases, according to a new study.OK - not only do the enviros want you to give up the internal combustion engine, central heating, the electric light, and the modern industrial economy, the implication is that they want everyone to go back to a pre-Roman standard of living.
The finding challenges the view that human-made climate change only began around 1800.
A record of the atmosphere trapped in Greenland's ice found the level of heat-trapping methane rose about 2000 years ago and stayed at that higher level for about two centuries.
Methane was probably released during deforestation to clear land for farming and from the use of charcoal as fuel, for instance to smelt metal to make weapons, says lead author Celia Sapart of Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
"Per capita they were already emitting quite a lot in the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty," she says of the findings by an international team of scientists published today in the journal Nature (link to abstract).
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Now I'm sure that there will be all sorts of tut tutting from the Smarter Crowd over this. After all, just like Michael Mann's "Hockey Stick" graph tried to disappear the Medieval Warm Period (ca. AD 800-1300) to make recent warming look unprecedented, similarly this just tries to disappear the equally inconvenient Roman Warm Period (ca. 400 BC - 200 AD).
But the logic of how this will be used is the same. The implication of the Hockey Stick was to de-industrialize, to allow the planet to "settle" back to a stable climate*. So why not give up Roman (and later) technologies to let the climate "settle"?
The problem, of course, is that the global population 2000 years ago was only around 300 Million people, meaning 96% of everybody has to, err, go somewhere else. Sadly, we've got an idea of where they'd like us all to go.
And so the Usual Suspects must now be viewed not simply as corrupting science, but as either tools of an evil ideology or active supporters of it. Sad to feel so harshly towards a group of scientists who are likely just grubbing for grants, but there it is.
* Of course, it hasn't ever been stable. The climate changes, and everyone knows that, which makes it funny that the Usual Suspects accuse skeptics of being "Climate Change Deniers".
Yep, and there's some tie-in to the solar cycles, too.
During the Maunder Minimum, global temps were much lower than "normal".
The CO2 buildup began with the invention of agriculture, roughly 10,000 years ago.
Optimum greenie solution: off everybody.
The guy at the UN who's behind all this, Maurice Strong, is on record saying that the world can support a human population only about 2% of what it is. One of his money quotes is, "Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?"
So where you said, "OK - not only do the enviros want you to give up the internal combustion engine, central heating, the electric light, and the modern industrial economy, the implication is that they want everyone to go back to a pre-Roman standard of living.", Strong and the others (if they were actually honest) would say "hell yeah".
But of course, this section of the Power Elite would give up nothing, as they are vital to "manage" this process, and have to be protected and pampered as they, and only they, have the "solution" to this problem!
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