Monday, September 16, 2024

So what I'd like to know is ...

How did the would-be assassin know where and when to find Donald Trump?  Was he just lucky like Gavrilo Princip?  Or was he "lucky" like Thomas Matthew Crooks?


riverrider said...

they were both in the global wealth management commercial.

Old NFO said...

I'm pretty sure the info was out there. He took advantage of it, thankfully did NOT get to the final step.

ASM826 said...

Maybe Trump golfs every day it isn't raining.

Fredrick said...

Surveillance is probably first. How could he afford to get to Ukraine, plus fly by the NC, obtain a weapon as a convicted felon, get it and himself to FL?

matism said...

When one is funded by Soros and the CIA and the FBI and the DoJ, everything becomes FAR easier!

BobF said...

Sometimes conspiracy IS the simplest explanation.

Murphy(AZ) said...

I don't think it's hard for even a demented headcase to figure out where Donald Trump will be when he has some free time. Golf for him is like breathing for the rest of us. We do not know yet how long the assassin-wannabee has been working on this, but it would make sense to look for DJT first on the closest golf course, then on the next closest, etc., until you find him.

Thank God that President Trump's luck still holds. May it continue.

Mike V said...

Apparently, the gaps in the foliage around the Mar-A-Largo golf course was a flaw known to the Secret Service. I've read they discussed it with Trump or his people and nothing was done. Photographers had used the same location to take photos of Trump golfing in the past.

Richard said...

The Deep State is putting out that an Iranian hack provided the information. On principle, I don't believe anything coming from those people and tend to think the leak was much closer to home. The documented connection of the assassin with Ukraine does raise the question of was there a connection with the IC as well.

Terkenal bos said...

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