Sunday, September 22, 2024

Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons (L'autunno)

Yesterday marked the Autumn Equinox, the first day of autumn.  The Silicon Graybeard posts about what this means in Florida; he's on the Atlantic coast so it's a little cooler there than here.  But the forecast here is calling for temperatures to drop into the mid 80s during the day and even below 70 (!!!) at night this coming week.  Autumnal indeed.

As you'd expect, there's terrific classical music for this occasion; as a matter of fact, you've probably heard it.

Antonio Vivaldi was one of the greatest Baroque composers, and his Four Seasons suite of four violin concertos is without doubt his most famous work.  Sadly for him, it didn't help him very much - the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI died before appointing him court composer, and Vivaldi (like Mozart after him) died in poverty.

But there aren't many who leave behind a legacy such as this.  Vivaldi's life story in a way matches the mood of autumn, with a glorious youth behind it and a cold, poor finish ahead of it.

But don't let me harsh your mellow!  The music is sublime, and the temperature (in Florida at least) will barely drop below 70 ...


SiGraybeard said...

"below 70 (!!!) at night" !!??!! Our coolest temp on the 10 day forecast dropped to 74. I'm truly shocked!

Avraham said...

Vivaldi is one of my heroes