Monday, February 28, 2022

The first casualty of war is the truth

There's a lot of news coming from Ukraine right now.  I'm not sure what is fact and what is propaganda.  It looks like Ukraine is winning the propaganda war so far, for whatever that's worth.  I guess we'll know when the smoke clears.

In the meantime, this post gives you a grounding in Ukraine-Russia politics. 


Glen Filthie said...

It’s going to be interesting as hell too. From what I’m hearing, sophisticated shoulder fired anti tank and anti aircraft weapons are flooding in to the Ukraine. Many of these weapons are in their 4th and 5th generation and can be used with virtually no training and their accuracy and effectiveness are closing on 100%. If conventional armour and air power become obsolete, then all that is left are stealth, boots, and bayonets.

ambisinistral said...

Like any current event people are invested in, it's hard to know what's going on. One just has to wait for time to separate the information wheat from the chaff.

One of the odder bits of information warfare to me is the American left trying to tar conservatives as pro-Russian because Trump called Putin "smart" and "savvy". Trump's a wheeler-dealer, unless he is feuding with a person he glad-hands and compliments everybody. Heck, if I ever met him based on nothing at all he would call me smart and savvy.

As for Biden and America's response -- start pumping oil ya senile, old doofus.

Michael said...

While the doddering one and his handlers keep refusing any off ramp to a war in the Ukraine the COVID started disappearing because you KNOW "The Science" AKA POLL Numbers were falling in a manner that scared the Socialist-Democrats. That and the ever-increasing F-U attitude we are having over COVID restrictions. The Bioweapon known as COVID is not welcome.

Not that they will not cheat and fake the voting anyway even Stalin needed the Consent of the People to lead. Ask any failed dictator how he went from In Charge to dragged out and shot. Loss of the consent of the people even affects the Military, thus the term Military Coup, where ex-leadership gets a public trial and punishment to please the people.

All this to bring out my greatest concern. Michael Yon has been talking about PanFanWar. Pandemic, Famine and War. Between the side effects of TWO of the Worlds suppliers of Wheat and Fertilizer (Ukraine and Russia) being at war AND the Sock Puppets Handlers shutting down oil exploration, Oil PIPELINES, and with the EPA Fertilizer Factories as not green enough the THIRD Major producer of Food and Fertilizer the USA is in BAD SHAPE.

Holodomor was an evil tragedy, I suspect WE are about to discover it in our own Country and worldwide due to the Powers that be screwing up production, fuel, fertilizer and even Computer chips required for Mega Farms to be productive.

I know firsthand that my fertilizer orders were first delayed, then canceled. I've asked two of my nearby farmers who report similar issues. A local Community Supported Agriculture Farmer has not advertised his farm shares because he doesn't know how much fertilizer, nor the prices involved to price those CSA share.

Family first before you save the world folks. I have some leftover fertilizer from previous years but not enough for my usual truck gardening.

I hope this makes sense to you, but as Michael Yon says BUY FOOD it's only getting worse as last year's supplies are used up.

Old NFO said...

I think Michael is on the money with his comment. Folks out here in Texas are talking about the same issues as they start planning for planting season.

Richard said...

When the same people who have been lying to me for years about everything, including all things Russian, start feeding me propaganda, I tend to be suspicious. A number of the stories have been proven to be hoaxes. The air combat scenes came from a video game. A number the photos have been recycled from other times and other places. The CNN reporter killed was previously killed in Afghanistan (who knows whether the guy is actually dead). The children standing by the road watching the the column go by was in 2016. The Ukrainian president LARPing in his military rig was from last year. The tank squashing the car was actually an air defense vehicle, was probably Ukrainian as the Russians would not have had an air defense platform in Kiev and may well have been an accident. Some of the stories may be true but there is a lot of fog of war and I don't trust the media which has, as always, taken sides.

danielbarger said...

Winning the propaganda war is important....but only if you win the actual shootin war.