Monday, August 27, 2018

Boy, that's some Global Warming

Unusually early snowstorms in the Rockies and Alps.  Jackson Hole, Saltzburg, Italy, and Slovenia.  Man, that Global Warming can do anything.

Remember this the next time some drooling cretin points to a heat wave or summer wildfire as "proof" of Global Warming.


Old NFO said...

Ah yes, those pesky facts again... sigh

ASM826 said...

When the results don't fit, it's considered climate change.

Aesop said...

Anything which morphs to fit all data, and cannot be disproven by any evidence, goes by the clever scientific name "religious dogma".

Such as Anthropogenic Globull Warming, the poster child for the genus, and its predecessor, Evolution.

See which thought crimes gets scientists burned at the stake for heresy, and tell anyone that's not exactly what's going on.

Ken said...

National Propaganda Radio just ran a story this morning about the smoke from wildfires (attributed explicitly to climate change) affecting potato, pepper, and melon harvests in the West.