Sunday, January 12, 2014

Singalong to Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 9 "Ode To Joy"

Yes, you.  Don't tell me that you've never wanted to do this.  Turn up the volume, get a cup of coffee, and shake the rafters.

Practice this, and practice it again, until you can sing it from memory auf Deutsch.  Because then you'll be prepared for an Ode To Joy flash mob when you're vacationing in Italy.

You're welcome.  Don't forget to turn the volume up.


Chickenmom said...

Oh, Borepatch - that was wonderful!
I cannot read music, but with that graph it almost seemed as if I could. Thank you!

libertyman said...

Great choice this morning, and the graphics are amazing, you showed them with a Bach piece a while back.

Dave H said...

My new favorite word is feurentrunken - "drunk with fire."

Volkswagen can keep their fahrvergnügen. I want a car that makes me feurentrunken!

A Reader said...

I got it for Christmas. I am listening to it a lot these days.