There's more (and more interesting, just not embeddable) data over there. Some of it explains what we're seeing - for example, .22lr makes up 7% of their revenue; given the low cost of each .22 cartridge, this translates into a huge volume of .22 being bought. That makes it more understandable why .22 seems to be like hen's teeth these days.
There's also a quite interesting breakdown of ammunition sales by State. It's a little mortifying to see Georgia tied with North Carolina. I mean, NC is the Massachusetts of Dixie. We got to be able to beat them ...
Makes sense that the .223 and 5.56 would be their biggest sellers. That's what all of us bitter clingers and black rifle-toting baby shooters in flyover country buy.
Easy there, ya damnyankee.
Just picked up a 250rd box of UPC 9mm at Wally World this afternoon, but it was still 29c/rd versus 25c/rd for the 100rd boxes of Winchester. Still I was surprised they had any on a Saturday afternoon.
Availability is improving.
I get email from ammo for sale dot com on a regular basis. They used to send sale notices of 9mm, 1000 rounds for $199. Now, it's $400.
Ahem, Sir. I beg to differ! Keads in North Carolina!
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