Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fudd's Gun Store

Seems this Gun Shop owner wants to give just another little wafer thin slice of the cake to the antis.  Because this time they'll be satisfied, and all that.

Besides, you don't really need that anyway.  An 870 and a couple boxes of 12 gauge was good enough for Grandpa, after all ...

Hey Elmer, why don't you just stop "helping", huh?  Man, it's almost enough to make me wish I still lived in Texas, so I could buy from his competitors.  Idiot.


Old NFO said...

He's looking at PROFIT! He doesn't give a crap about his customers... He needs to be boycotted out of business! And I'm betting he'll be reporting ANYBODY that buys by the case...

Teke said...

Nfo mt sentiments exactly.

For those I. Houston .
Let this douche know how you feel.

instinct said...

Yeah, I left him a nice little note expressing that if he was the last gun store on earth I still wouldn't support him, I would open my own instead.

drjim said...

A perfect case of "First they came for the....".
If he thinks they'll leave him alone, he's sadly mistaken!

instinct said...

He even states in the interview that he KNOWS they won't be satisfied with that and will keep going for more.

He's just hoping it puts some of his competition out of a job so that he can increase his profits.

Borepatch said...

Old NFO, I'm guessing his profits aren't going to be what he expected.