Monday, April 23, 2012

Friendship is Magic! And bayonets - they're magic, too!

I already gave an overview of the Dallas Blogshoot, so this will be a photo essay.  The first rule of a blogshoot is to bring guns.  The four on the left are mine, the four on the right are Southern Belle's and kx59's.

Click to biggify - all 7 MB of shooty goodness
And more guns:

Trinity River in background
And more guns - The Redneck Engineer brought his .50 caliber project rifle, which dials "respect mah authoritah" up to eleven ...

Protection against runaway dump trucks
Machine guns (you have to turn the crank, Gatling gun style, but that makes it not Class III).  Yes, it's belt fed.

A John Moses Browning (PBUH) design, with a turn crank

US Citizen brought a full auto Thompson.  That's waving red meat to this crowd.  Including me ...

The fantasy of every boy who grew up in the '60s ...
The second rule of blogshoots is to invite chicks, because who doesn't like chicks with guns?  The Enfield sure seems to be a hit with the fairer sex.

The rifle of Empire
Oh, did I mention the "bring guns" part?  US Citizen also brought a Kriss Vector, which looks pretty cool.  Where's Robb?

Careful, this opens up portals to other dimensions
Kevin Baker brought his "beater" rack grade Garand.  Like George Washington's axe (it had a few new handles, and a replacement head, but it's still the same axe), he put in a new stock which was so pretty that he refinished the metal.  But it's the "beater" gun.  Got to get me some of that ...

The greatest battle instrument ever devised
The third rule of blogshoots is that you need targets.  The venue came with one that was new to me - but celebrate diversity, right?

Don't worry, I'm sure that will buff out
But you have to bring your own, too.  It's a blogshoot, and so stuffed children's toys must needs be sacrificed to the Blogshoot Ghods.  Hey, I don't make the rules, but rules are rules.

Friendship is magic.  So is toy sacrifice.
Zooming in shows you interesting exit wounds.  I was worried that the staple gun wouldn't hold it to the backstop.  The threads from the stuffing driven out through the exit wounds essentially glued it to the backstop.  As usual.

How am I supposed to heal your soul when you shoot off my unicorn horn?
I didn't take pictures of the bayonet charge because I was, well, charging.  Hopefully someone has video because it was a hoot.  Some pix in yesterday's post.

Sure was fun.  Now we need an Atlanta blogshoot.  Got to be a car in the Chattahoochee somewhere ...


Walter Zoomie said...

Guns are frightening, racist, and dangerous and need to be outlawed. You all should be arrested for domesticated terrorism activities.

Dave H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GG said...

Borepatch - I had a wonderful time! Thank you so much for letting me touch all kinds of new shiny things that go boom. Much needed therapy was had.

Borepatch said...

Walter, I'm clearly an Enemy Of The State. Hopefully.

GG, thanks for coming! It sure was fun.

agirlandhergun said...

Looks like fun!!!!

Nick said...

Redneck Engineer posted a video that includes the bayonet charge around the 4 minute mark.

Thanks again for organizing this, Borepatch!

Walter Zoomie said...

Why is there a vehicle in the creek? Mother Earth weeps at your insensitivity. The authorities are in route...

Old NFO said...

Good pics, and yeah that Kriss Vector IS an interesting one to shoot full auto! :-) Glad y'all had a good time!

Old NFO said...

Good pics, and yeah that Kriss Vector IS an interesting one to shoot full auto! :-) Glad y'all had a good time!

The Scribbler said...

Nice pictures. I just got up my pictures from the same here: and i'm working on uploading the video of the bayonet charge now.

The Scribbler said...

And now, the Bayonet Charge:

Cormac said...

That was an amazing day!!! I think I'm experiencing withdrawals...

Anonymous said...

thanks for having us! was a blast!

Theredneckengineer said...

Thanks to everyone who went for such a great time and thanks to the Borepatches for organizing it.
My guns are all clean now, so I'm ready to go again......

Goober said...

It never fails. Any time you find a good place to shoot, the goddamned rednecks decide to start using the place as a landfill, dumping old cars and refrigerators and stuff intot he rivers and area, until the local authorities deny access to everyone because of the dumping problem.

That truck in the river pisses me off. A lot. People that do stuff like that are the reason that places like that venue get closed down to the public. They also give us all a bad name.

Clean up after yourself, for crissakes.