Screw the Beach Boys. Give me a little Junior.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Of course the accordion is from the Dark Side
We all suspected this, but now there's proof.
Via email from The Gaijin.
Via email from The Gaijin.
What caliber for coyote?
Damn things don't even wait until night to start calling. They use the creek next to the house as a super highway, and so they're basically a nightly presence. Now, I don't mind wildlife, but I have a philosophical objection to wildlife that has forgotten their place on the food chain.
So - hypothetically speaking, of course - if someone wanted to scare off the beasts, what would work? Suppressed .22 (to avoid scaring the White Folks)? Crossbow (arguably not illegal hereabouts)? Game cam with built-in flash attachment?
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
So - hypothetically speaking, of course - if someone wanted to scare off the beasts, what would work? Suppressed .22 (to avoid scaring the White Folks)? Crossbow (arguably not illegal hereabouts)? Game cam with built-in flash attachment?
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
The greatest miltary headfake of all time?
The easiest way to win a battle is to have more troops than the other side. The problem is that if your enemy isn't an idiot, he'll reinforce his side when he sees what you've got. This was a real problem in World War II when the Allies were planning on invading Europe - rapidly arriving reinforcements could throw the invasion back into the sea, or bottle it up on the beach head (Gallipoli, anyone?).
And so the Allies dreamed up Operation Mincemeat.
April 30, 1943 say the submarine H.M.S. Seraph surface off the Spanish coast. A body was rowed towards shore and lowered into the water where the tide would cast it up on the beach. The body contained a briefcase chained to the wrist, a briefcase filled with classified documents intended to convince Hitler that the planned invasion of Sicily was a diversion from the "real" invasions "planned" for Greece. British Intelligence knew that Spanish officials were sympathetic to the Germans, and would pass the documents on to them.
But would they be believed? This was a big gamble, because if the Germans smelled a rat, it would reinforce a sense of urgency to reinforce their forces in Sicily after the invasion. And so British Intelligence worked overtime to make The Man Who Never Was believable.
It started with a body, one that would be presented as a Royal Marine intelligence officer who drowned after his plane went down on a flight to Gibraltar. But "Maj. Martin" had to have the bits and pieces of a life that we all carry with us: old bills, a used bus ticket, tickets to a London play, a rather strongly worded letter from his bank about an overdraft, and a photo of his "fiancee", MI5 secretary Nancy Jean Leslie who died at the beginning of this month. This is the photograph that saved thousands of Allied lives:
It worked spectacularly, so convincing Hitler that he had the real Allied plans that he forbade troop movements from Greece to Sicily for two weeks, and even sent Rommel to Greece to plan the defense. Hitler was so mortified by the deception that when actual top secret documents about Normandy were found by the Wehrmacht the following year, Hitler dismissed them as fakes.
Athletes know that a head fake has to be convincing, but if done right will immobilize the opponent. Rest in peace, Nancy Jean Leslie.
And so the Allies dreamed up Operation Mincemeat.
April 30, 1943 say the submarine H.M.S. Seraph surface off the Spanish coast. A body was rowed towards shore and lowered into the water where the tide would cast it up on the beach. The body contained a briefcase chained to the wrist, a briefcase filled with classified documents intended to convince Hitler that the planned invasion of Sicily was a diversion from the "real" invasions "planned" for Greece. British Intelligence knew that Spanish officials were sympathetic to the Germans, and would pass the documents on to them.
But would they be believed? This was a big gamble, because if the Germans smelled a rat, it would reinforce a sense of urgency to reinforce their forces in Sicily after the invasion. And so British Intelligence worked overtime to make The Man Who Never Was believable.
It started with a body, one that would be presented as a Royal Marine intelligence officer who drowned after his plane went down on a flight to Gibraltar. But "Maj. Martin" had to have the bits and pieces of a life that we all carry with us: old bills, a used bus ticket, tickets to a London play, a rather strongly worded letter from his bank about an overdraft, and a photo of his "fiancee", MI5 secretary Nancy Jean Leslie who died at the beginning of this month. This is the photograph that saved thousands of Allied lives:
(Image source) |
Athletes know that a head fake has to be convincing, but if done right will immobilize the opponent. Rest in peace, Nancy Jean Leslie.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Honey Do
Almost unloaded now. This whole experience builds strong bodies seven ways.
Looking around, I realize that I no longer have an excuse for putting off the list of things I've been putting off:
Replace gas burner on grill.
Get new speakers for Home Theater (stupidly left in the wall at Chez Borepatch). Get it set up, and run speaker wire to screened porch and maybe living room.
Get replacement capacitors for @#$% big screen TV which isn't TVing any more. It's been a while since I've done serious soldering, but did a lot back at State U. And besides, the caps will cost a couple bucks and a Saturday afternoon doesn't cost anything. A new big screen costs enough to hurt. I can heartily recommend that you do not buy a Mitsubishi TV, ever.
Check for mold in the ceiling of #1 Son's closet, now that it's dried out. Treat the wood (I'm thinking Killz), patch dry wall and paint.
Fix waterfall in back yard.
I'm sure that my better half will find something to add to this list.
Looking around, I realize that I no longer have an excuse for putting off the list of things I've been putting off:
Replace gas burner on grill.
Get new speakers for Home Theater (stupidly left in the wall at Chez Borepatch). Get it set up, and run speaker wire to screened porch and maybe living room.
Get replacement capacitors for @#$% big screen TV which isn't TVing any more. It's been a while since I've done serious soldering, but did a lot back at State U. And besides, the caps will cost a couple bucks and a Saturday afternoon doesn't cost anything. A new big screen costs enough to hurt. I can heartily recommend that you do not buy a Mitsubishi TV, ever.
Check for mold in the ceiling of #1 Son's closet, now that it's dried out. Treat the wood (I'm thinking Killz), patch dry wall and paint.
Fix waterfall in back yard.
I'm sure that my better half will find something to add to this list.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Tattoo Protips
Tacitus brings 'em.
Seriously, when there's a Totally Tattoo Barbie, you're not chasin' what you think you're chasin'. Srlsy.
Seriously, when there's a Totally Tattoo Barbie, you're not chasin' what you think you're chasin'. Srlsy.
Jimmie Rodgers - Waiting for a Train
(image source) |
And he became one of the legends of Country Music.
Music was a side show to Rodgers, who recorded when he could in the 1920s and 1930s. Sadly, he was stricken with tuberculosis, and died young in 1933. Just shy of his 36th birthday, be had gone to New York City to make some recordings but was so weakened by his affliction that he joined in death the discoverer of penicillin (no, it's not who you think). Ironically, the penicillin cure didn't help either against tuberculosis.
But this is music from when Progressives weren't embarrassed by working men, or working men's music. It would be A Good Thing if they'd learn to appreciate it again.
A steady hand and a watchful eye
Grant me, O Lord, a steady hand and watchful eye, that no one shall be hurt as I pass by. Thou gavest life, I pray no act of mine may take away or mar that gift of Thine.
Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear my company from the evils of fire and all calamity.Teach me to use my car for others need; Nor miss through love of undue speed.
The beauty of the world; that thus I may with joy and courtesy go on my way.
St. Christopher, holy patron of travelers, protect me, and lead me safely to my destiny.
- Prayer to St. Christopher
It took far longer to get home than I had hoped. I packed up FOB Borepatch and hit the road, stopping overnight in Waco to get at least a little bit ahead of the drive. Since the truck drives a lot slower, that two hours turned out to be a good thing. Plus I got to eat at The Elite Grille in Waco, which serves up a mean chicken fried steak (just ask Uncle Jay, although he seems - sadly - to have closed his blog).
The plan was to head to Tyler and I-20, and then home. Tyler was actually an easy shot, and then I pointed the tires east. Alas, by Jackson it was looking like I wouldn't make it that day. Mississippi roads are bumpy, and I had a load that while I had packed it tetris-like, would still shift if I gave it the roller coaster treatment. Plus I was plumb tuckered out from the previous day's loading. And so I pulled off the road to gas up at the Pilot in Meridian. I had to wait in line because the gas was cheap, cheap, cheap ($3.49/gal). Then I parked it where I could get out easily (dualie rear view mirrors on the doors make it hard to see behind you when you back up). I figured I'd call the travel department and have them get me a hotel room.
I stayed over night in Meridian, Mississippi. While struggling with the economy like much of rural America, the town center there is entirely charming in a Mayberry RFD sense. Plus, I had dinner at Weidmann's restaurant, a town landmark since 1870. The pork chop was properly done (many places ruin them; this did them perfectly), the fried green tomatoes were excellent, and the au gratin potatoes were perhaps the finest I've tasted.
Recommended, as is Meridian. If all you see is what's visible from I-20, you're missing the good stuff. Plus Country Great Jimmie Rodgers is from there, and hopefully I'll get one of his songs up tomorrow.
Then home today. The truck is half unloaded, but that's OK - don't need to get it back until Monday, and I need to make some space for the furniture I've brought back. Idle thoughts from the road:
This was the first time I realized just how obnoxious it is when someone passes a truck on the right hand side. I never really made it instinctive to look first at the bottom mirror that was trained on the blind spot, rather than the top one what was a wider angle view. I wonder if that one guy had to change his shorts. Hope so - serve him right for sneaking up on the right when traffic was bunched up.
Truckin' is fun. Here's me swapping stories with the guys who get fewer miles to the gallon. See if you can guess which of those rigs is mine.
I've been (mentally) whining to myself that I'm in not particularly good shape. Let me tell you, a day loading heavy stuff into the truck has rather buffed me up. After a day of unloading, I may be able to go to the gym without being humiliated. In fact, I'm feeling rather the beach is that way-ish.
This site is as SFW as blog brother PISSED's place. If you like his site, you'll like this. |
I'm happy to be home, but think that I'll miss Texas.
Back safely inside the Camp Borepatch secure perimeter. More to follow, but I have a truck to unload.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Any western Georgia gunsmiths looking for an apprentice?
No, it's not me, but send me an email if you might be interested.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The storm before the calm
It's a bit odd knowing that this will be my last night at FOB Borepatch. The truck is here, packing will go quickly (I have a roll of furniture-wrap), and the dolly is ready to roll. By afternoon, we should be out, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
Seeing the place get stripped down makes me realize just how hard I tried to make it homey. Kind of pitiful, really. I won't miss the place. Texas, yes. Austin, heck yeah. Being away from home for 5 weeks at a time? Not so much.
Seeing the place get stripped down makes me realize just how hard I tried to make it homey. Kind of pitiful, really. I won't miss the place. Texas, yes. Austin, heck yeah. Being away from home for 5 weeks at a time? Not so much.
I always had a soft spot in my heart for the Saber-tooth Gorgon
The era before the Dinosaurs was fascinating, with all sorts of prototypes of what would become major animal phyla (well, plant phyla too, but I sadly lack the imagination required to be a paleobotanist). The Mammals descended from a strange group that was dominant at the time, the mammal-like reptiles. They dominated the end of the Paleozoic Era, the "Old Life" before the Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic.
One of the great mysteries of the history of life on Earth is the repeated Mass Extinction events. The disappearance of the Dinosaurs is pinned on an asteroid event, but that extinction is only one of very, very many. In fact, the definition of the end of one era (say, the Permian) and the beginning of another (the Triassic) is defined as a mass extinction event.
Literally, we cannot describe the history of life on this planet without using these mass die-offs as a yardstick. So what caused them all?
A new scientific paper looks to possibly revolutionize the study of Paleontology, and coincidentally sweep "consensus" Climate Science with it. Henrick Svensmark's Cosmic Ray hypothesis is no stranger to long time readers. What's new is a correlation of the fossil record with the well-known astronomical calculations of nearby Supernovae. The correlation is eerie.
Keep your eye on this one. Rather than the rococo climate models, brimming with epicyclic escape clauses, "gridding", "adjusting", and "smoothing", you have a simple hypothesis that maps very, very closely to a data set that stretches back a half billion years.
Read it all, and short the solar and wind power generation companies.
One of the great mysteries of the history of life on Earth is the repeated Mass Extinction events. The disappearance of the Dinosaurs is pinned on an asteroid event, but that extinction is only one of very, very many. In fact, the definition of the end of one era (say, the Permian) and the beginning of another (the Triassic) is defined as a mass extinction event.
Literally, we cannot describe the history of life on this planet without using these mass die-offs as a yardstick. So what caused them all?
A new scientific paper looks to possibly revolutionize the study of Paleontology, and coincidentally sweep "consensus" Climate Science with it. Henrick Svensmark's Cosmic Ray hypothesis is no stranger to long time readers. What's new is a correlation of the fossil record with the well-known astronomical calculations of nearby Supernovae. The correlation is eerie.
Keep your eye on this one. Rather than the rococo climate models, brimming with epicyclic escape clauses, "gridding", "adjusting", and "smoothing", you have a simple hypothesis that maps very, very closely to a data set that stretches back a half billion years.
Read it all, and short the solar and wind power generation companies.
Your military thoughts for the day
Isegoria is on a roll, on the sort of thing he does best - deep historical thinking on military matters.
Who was a tougher WWII opponent, the Germans or the Japanese? If those traits could have been combined, we might not have been able to win. It might even be that probably we couldn't have won. Yikes. I'd extend his thinking to say that al Qaeda was trying to introduce some of the German General Staff concepts to what is essentially a WWII Japanese mindset. Thank the Lord and the U.S. Military that they cut that particular experiment short.
Perhaps that's Osama bin Laden's great Strategic Fail.
Who was tougher, WWII Marines or today's Marines? Very interesting reading. Two different approaches to the problem of how you bring maximum firepower to bear.
If you (like me) groove on military history, you should be following him. Just sayin'.
Who was a tougher WWII opponent, the Germans or the Japanese? If those traits could have been combined, we might not have been able to win. It might even be that probably we couldn't have won. Yikes. I'd extend his thinking to say that al Qaeda was trying to introduce some of the German General Staff concepts to what is essentially a WWII Japanese mindset. Thank the Lord and the U.S. Military that they cut that particular experiment short.
Perhaps that's Osama bin Laden's great Strategic Fail.
Who was tougher, WWII Marines or today's Marines? Very interesting reading. Two different approaches to the problem of how you bring maximum firepower to bear.
If you (like me) groove on military history, you should be following him. Just sayin'.
Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Libertariorum
Science as we know it really came into existence on July 5, 1687. Sir Isaac Newton published his three volume opus Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, and the world was suddenly and irrevocably different. Sir Isaac provided a framework for thought, a rigorous analysis that included his Laws of Motion, his Law of Universal Gravitation, and a theoretical framework that explained Johannes Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion, which Kepler had derived from analysis of Tycho Brahe's careful observational data.
Newton provided an elegant mathematical framework that not only explained Kepler's Laws, but predicted further scientific advances. It is likely the most important scientific work ever written.
Aretae may be doing that for the political philosophy of Libertarianism. If I had a bit more brains and a bit more of a work ethic, you might read that here. But I don't and I don't, and so get you over there. This is big, important stuff.
He complained when I compared him with Aquinas, and now here I'm comparing him with Newton. But these are Laws of Governing, elegant in their simplicity and pregnant with predictive power. Go, read.
Yes, it's long. So's Newton. Git.
Newton provided an elegant mathematical framework that not only explained Kepler's Laws, but predicted further scientific advances. It is likely the most important scientific work ever written.
Aretae may be doing that for the political philosophy of Libertarianism. If I had a bit more brains and a bit more of a work ethic, you might read that here. But I don't and I don't, and so get you over there. This is big, important stuff.
He complained when I compared him with Aquinas, and now here I'm comparing him with Newton. But these are Laws of Governing, elegant in their simplicity and pregnant with predictive power. Go, read.
Yes, it's long. So's Newton. Git.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Not all blues is delta blues
"Barbecue" Bob Hicks hailed from Georgia and the slide guitar school of blues.
Calling Atlanta gunbloggers
I'm starting to pack up FOB Borepatch for good - declaring victory and withdrawing from Texas - and I went online and bough a brace of Care Bears. So let's get together and shoot 'em, blogshoot style.
The problem is that my range is wildly inappropriate to the whole 20 people show up blogshoot thing in general, and shooting unusual targets in particular.
So leave a comment if you're interested. Leave a comment if you have an outdoor range that might be accommodating (Differ?).
The problem is that my range is wildly inappropriate to the whole 20 people show up blogshoot thing in general, and shooting unusual targets in particular.
So leave a comment if you're interested. Leave a comment if you have an outdoor range that might be accommodating (Differ?).
The Old* Guard Blogger dies, but never surrenders misses the blogshoot!
The recent Dallas area blogshoot was epic, and I have proof. From Camp Borepatch in Roswell, GA to Chez Smallest Minority in Tuscon, AZ is 2,800 km plus change. That's how far people traveled for the event.
That takes you from Paris to Moscow. Unlike Napoleon, we didn't lose most of the people and guns. Or any of them, actually.
So there - that's the power of the Second Amendment.
* "Old" clearly doesn't refer to Kevin and me any more than "Napoleonic". Srlsy. And get offa my lawn ...
That takes you from Paris to Moscow. Unlike Napoleon, we didn't lose most of the people and guns. Or any of them, actually.
So there - that's the power of the Second Amendment.
* "Old" clearly doesn't refer to Kevin and me any more than "Napoleonic". Srlsy. And get offa my lawn ...
Quote of the Day
Jay on people who don't understand why we carry:
I hope they never have to find out why we prepare.Amen, brother.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Time for a chill pill
Remember how the Left went lunatic, off the hook crazy about George Bush? Remember how anything that he did - no matter how inconsequential - was proof positive that he was zomg the worstest President EVER!!!!eleventy!!!!
Remember that? Remember how we used to roll our eyes at them?
The talk radio guys are all over the story of the Secret Service guys stiffing the Colombian hookers. Was it tacky? Sure - I'm sure that Mrs. Secret Service Agent is more than a little unhappy, and may even be (justifiably) making hubby sleep with Rover out in the back yard. And OBTW, stiffing hookers is what I'd imagine to be considered tacky - you enter into a commercial transaction, you're tacky (at least) if you stiff the other party.
But for the life of me I can't see (a) how this compromised national security and (b) how this is Barack Obama's fault. But boy, howdy the Talk Radio guys all thought it sure is.
Remember rolling your eyes at the Lefties when their hatin' on old Shrub went Old Testament? That's what I'm doing to the Talk Radio guys right now. Of course, maybe it's all because I'm not as smart as the talk radio guys.
I sure hope so.
Look, there's plenty not to like about the current President's policies. But I'm completely at a loss as to what he did here.
Remember that? Remember how we used to roll our eyes at them?
The talk radio guys are all over the story of the Secret Service guys stiffing the Colombian hookers. Was it tacky? Sure - I'm sure that Mrs. Secret Service Agent is more than a little unhappy, and may even be (justifiably) making hubby sleep with Rover out in the back yard. And OBTW, stiffing hookers is what I'd imagine to be considered tacky - you enter into a commercial transaction, you're tacky (at least) if you stiff the other party.
But for the life of me I can't see (a) how this compromised national security and (b) how this is Barack Obama's fault. But boy, howdy the Talk Radio guys all thought it sure is.
Remember rolling your eyes at the Lefties when their hatin' on old Shrub went Old Testament? That's what I'm doing to the Talk Radio guys right now. Of course, maybe it's all because I'm not as smart as the talk radio guys.
I sure hope so.
Look, there's plenty not to like about the current President's policies. But I'm completely at a loss as to what he did here.
Big Hat No Cattle,
dumb as a rock,
get a life,
government cockups,
Blogshoot protip
For those of you who are new to the mystical and magical blogshoot scene, it's not all just fun and games and shooting inoffensive fluffy things. It's fun and games and shooting inanimate inoffensive fluffy things. If you have a blogshoot, do not - repeat do not - use this for a blogshoot target:
Srlsy. Just don't.
Srlsy. Just don't.
Friendship is Magic! And bayonets - they're magic, too!
I already gave an overview of the Dallas Blogshoot, so this will be a photo essay. The first rule of a blogshoot is to bring guns. The four on the left are mine, the four on the right are Southern Belle's and kx59's.
And more guns:
And more guns - The Redneck Engineer brought his .50 caliber project rifle, which dials "respect mah authoritah" up to eleven ...
Machine guns (you have to turn the crank, Gatling gun style, but that makes it not Class III). Yes, it's belt fed.
US Citizen brought a full auto Thompson. That's waving red meat to this crowd. Including me ...
The second rule of blogshoots is to invite chicks, because who doesn't like chicks with guns? The Enfield sure seems to be a hit with the fairer sex.
Oh, did I mention the "bring guns" part? US Citizen also brought a Kriss Vector, which looks pretty cool. Where's Robb?
Kevin Baker brought his "beater" rack grade Garand. Like George Washington's axe (it had a few new handles, and a replacement head, but it's still the same axe), he put in a new stock which was so pretty that he refinished the metal. But it's the "beater" gun. Got to get me some of that ...
The third rule of blogshoots is that you need targets. The venue came with one that was new to me - but celebrate diversity, right?
But you have to bring your own, too. It's a blogshoot, and so stuffed children's toys must needs be sacrificed to the Blogshoot Ghods. Hey, I don't make the rules, but rules are rules.
Zooming in shows you interesting exit wounds. I was worried that the staple gun wouldn't hold it to the backstop. The threads from the stuffing driven out through the exit wounds essentially glued it to the backstop. As usual.
I didn't take pictures of the bayonet charge because I was, well, charging. Hopefully someone has video because it was a hoot. Some pix in yesterday's post.
Sure was fun. Now we need an Atlanta blogshoot. Got to be a car in the Chattahoochee somewhere ...
Click to biggify - all 7 MB of shooty goodness |
Trinity River in background |
Protection against runaway dump trucks |
A John Moses Browning (PBUH) design, with a turn crank |
US Citizen brought a full auto Thompson. That's waving red meat to this crowd. Including me ...
The fantasy of every boy who grew up in the '60s ... |
The rifle of Empire |
Careful, this opens up portals to other dimensions |
The greatest battle instrument ever devised |
Don't worry, I'm sure that will buff out |
Friendship is magic. So is toy sacrifice. |
How am I supposed to heal your soul when you shoot off my unicorn horn? |
Sure was fun. Now we need an Atlanta blogshoot. Got to be a car in the Chattahoochee somewhere ...
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Restaurant Review - Cafe Ole on Riverwalk in San Antonio
The good: we were seated right away.
The bad: After 10 minutes, I asked the hostess to find our waiter. After 20 more minutes we left, margarita-less. Don't know if the food is any good, although it seems they don't have any.
Go to Casa Rio.
Poor gun handling is never cool
Even if you're Steve McQueen. Or Mrs. Steve McQueen:
Carol is an author and a shooter. Pretty interesting stuff over there, in a literary-but-dangerous way. Rather a good combination, actually. You used to get more of that, back in the day.
I love the composition of this picture. Notice Mrs. McQueen's hair blowing forward. Notice her casually crossed ankles. Admire her abs, which were doing a lot of work keeping her balanced in this position. But whatever you do, don't copy her gun-handling skills.You've come a long way from 1963, baby.
Carol is an author and a shooter. Pretty interesting stuff over there, in a literary-but-dangerous way. Rather a good combination, actually. You used to get more of that, back in the day.
Dallas blogshoot mini AAR
This will be a short update because it looks like I didn't bring the cable that plugs my camera to my laptop when I came back to Austin.
Quick thoughts:
Huge turnout. We had nearly twenty people show up - wow. Everything's bigger in Texas, including the number of people who want to shoot guns all day. The ladies were there in force as well which is always nice.
Guns. Lots of guns. Boy, there were a lot. May have been over 100. I got to shoot four new calibers: .410 shot shell, .357 SIG, .30 Carbine (from a revolver - wow!), and .50 BMG (thanks, Redneck Engineer!). As at all the blogshoots I've ever been to, people were delighted to share their guns with other folks who want to try them out. Bob S has some pictures up for you.
I think I need an FAL. Weer'd sings their praises, and Rabbit brought his. It was like driving tacks at 150 yards. That's one heavy rifle, but if you're like me and enjoy hitting what you're aiming at, this should be on your list for consideration.
US Citizen found a spectacular venue, a lightly wooded park-like range overlooking a river. Think National Forest with shooting benches. A HUGE thank you for getting a big crowd in there for all day.
Kevin Baker in person is exactly like you would imagine. Kevin Baker in person with his guns contains so much awesome as to threaten to warp the very fabric of space and time.
The charity raffle was a great success. People opened their hearts and their gun safes to donate their pre-ban magazines for our brothers and sisters trapped behind enemy lines in Massachusetts (thanks for the "Assault" Weapons Ban, Mitt Romney!). We have ten magazines that I'll send north to JayG in Yankeeland for the New England blogshoot this summer. Solidarity!
Oh yeah - shooting things is fun:
Say what you will about the Taurus Judge, but one of the lady blogshoot attendees took off the horn with her Judge at 30 yards. I guess in the HopeNChange™ War On Women® the women shoot back.
Bayoneting things is fun, too. The traditional day-end bayonet charge was the biggest I've ever seen. Here's Nick the Blogless triumphant on the, err, field of battle. He had help from a half dozen enthusiastic fellow stabby-stabby types. I'll see if I can scare up video.
By the power vested in me by, well, nobody, I've deputized Bob S as blogshoot community organizer for Dallas. It was an insanely great time, and hopefully he'll get a tradition started.
Many thanks to everyone who showed up - it was great to meet in Meat Space. And thanks once again to US Citizen without whom we wouldn't have had the outstanding location.
UPDATE 23 APRIL 2012 09:09: Pictures posted here.
Quick thoughts:
Huge turnout. We had nearly twenty people show up - wow. Everything's bigger in Texas, including the number of people who want to shoot guns all day. The ladies were there in force as well which is always nice.
Guns. Lots of guns. Boy, there were a lot. May have been over 100. I got to shoot four new calibers: .410 shot shell, .357 SIG, .30 Carbine (from a revolver - wow!), and .50 BMG (thanks, Redneck Engineer!). As at all the blogshoots I've ever been to, people were delighted to share their guns with other folks who want to try them out. Bob S has some pictures up for you.
I think I need an FAL. Weer'd sings their praises, and Rabbit brought his. It was like driving tacks at 150 yards. That's one heavy rifle, but if you're like me and enjoy hitting what you're aiming at, this should be on your list for consideration.
US Citizen found a spectacular venue, a lightly wooded park-like range overlooking a river. Think National Forest with shooting benches. A HUGE thank you for getting a big crowd in there for all day.
Kevin Baker in person is exactly like you would imagine. Kevin Baker in person with his guns contains so much awesome as to threaten to warp the very fabric of space and time.
The charity raffle was a great success. People opened their hearts and their gun safes to donate their pre-ban magazines for our brothers and sisters trapped behind enemy lines in Massachusetts (thanks for the "Assault" Weapons Ban, Mitt Romney!). We have ten magazines that I'll send north to JayG in Yankeeland for the New England blogshoot this summer. Solidarity!
Oh yeah - shooting things is fun:
Say what you will about the Taurus Judge, but one of the lady blogshoot attendees took off the horn with her Judge at 30 yards. I guess in the HopeNChange™ War On Women® the women shoot back.
Bayoneting things is fun, too. The traditional day-end bayonet charge was the biggest I've ever seen. Here's Nick the Blogless triumphant on the, err, field of battle. He had help from a half dozen enthusiastic fellow stabby-stabby types. I'll see if I can scare up video.
By the power vested in me by, well, nobody, I've deputized Bob S as blogshoot community organizer for Dallas. It was an insanely great time, and hopefully he'll get a tradition started.
Many thanks to everyone who showed up - it was great to meet in Meat Space. And thanks once again to US Citizen without whom we wouldn't have had the outstanding location.
UPDATE 23 APRIL 2012 09:09: Pictures posted here.
Yum! That's good Unicorn!
HopeNChange™ - it's what's for dinner ...
Man, that was fun, but leaving before 0700 and returning a bit before 2300 made for a long day. Bloggy later, with details.
UPDATE 22 April 2012 10:33: There was a discussion at the blogshoot regarding "eat what you kill". I firmly believe that fresh is the tastiest, but there's always canned for when Unicorn isn't in season. Or for filling your prepper storage shelves. Just because there's a Zombie Apocalypse, you can still have your daily allowance of HopeNChange™!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Need more guns for the blogshoot.
I know that this qualifies as a ZOMG Arsenal!!!eleventy!! in the People's Republic of Massachusetts, but this is the Lone Star State. The other, lesser States can do how they please, but a firearms collection this small in Texas is likely only owned by liberal gun banners.
Got to get some more guns ...
For those interested, the ones pictured (top to bottom) are Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk 1, Russian SKS, .22 cal. Winchester 190, Ruger 10/22, Citadel 1911A1-45CS in .45 ACP, Sig-Sauer P230 in .380.
I know that this qualifies as a ZOMG Arsenal!!!eleventy!! in the People's Republic of Massachusetts, but this is the Lone Star State. The other, lesser States can do how they please, but a firearms collection this small in Texas is likely only owned by liberal gun banners.
Got to get some more guns ...
For those interested, the ones pictured (top to bottom) are Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk 1, Russian SKS, .22 cal. Winchester 190, Ruger 10/22, Citadel 1911A1-45CS in .45 ACP, Sig-Sauer P230 in .380.
best posts,
Don't Mess With Texas,
gun control,
Massachusetts π
Hogjaw - Gitsum
Yeah, this is a repeat. This song is hereby declared the Official Blogshoot Theme Song. We're meeting up today to do just what you see here, only maybe with more guns. Makes me think that the only thing more awesome than a blogshoot would be a blogshoot with a band like Hogjaw playing.
------------- Begin lazy (but shooty awesome) repeat post ------------
While there's a lot of discussion about what "the real country music is", pretty much everyone grants "southern rock" honorary membership in the club. That's a Good Thing, because otherwise country music fans might not hear Hogjaw. And that'd be a cryin' shame.
Especially if you like shooting your guns.
Hogjaw does, unapologetically and with what's it to ya? gusto. Oh, and with some good guitar riffs. And extra points for filming the Moisin-Nagant at dusk, when the fireball at the muzzle is simply spectacular.
What more do you need?
Gitsum (Songwriters: ??? Dudes, set up a Wikipedia page for Discography)
------------- Begin lazy (but shooty awesome) repeat post ------------
While there's a lot of discussion about what "the real country music is", pretty much everyone grants "southern rock" honorary membership in the club. That's a Good Thing, because otherwise country music fans might not hear Hogjaw. And that'd be a cryin' shame.
Especially if you like shooting your guns.
Hogjaw does, unapologetically and with what's it to ya? gusto. Oh, and with some good guitar riffs. And extra points for filming the Moisin-Nagant at dusk, when the fireball at the muzzle is simply spectacular.
What more do you need?
Gitsum (Songwriters: ??? Dudes, set up a Wikipedia page for Discography)
Some say they wanna take my guns awayImage source. Found at Rebel Yell, who is filled with, err, Rebel-y Youtube-y goodness.
They will find to rue that day... yes they will
Blame it on the villain in the street
Truth is they wanna herd us like sheep
Come on, bring it on
Just getting started, I ain't done
Come on, bring it on
Step right up and get yourself some
Come on, bring it on
Seen you before, ain't gonna run
Come on, bring it on
Standin' right here, come get you some
We hold our rights and values dear
Your laws don't mean nuthin to us here
Come on, bring it on
Just getting started, I ain't done
Come on, bring it on
Step right up and get yourself some
Come on, bring it on
Seen you before, ain't gonna run
Come on, bring it on
Standin' right here, come get you some
I remember real clear, years ago in the swamps of South Georgia
Cane pole and Crossman in my hands was all I need to be growed up
Home made ice cream and BBQ and the family on Friday nights
Ten lane ramp on Saturday right before the morning light
There came a time I's old enough and learned about the gun
And every night at suppertime I'd answer to what I'd done
Folks today plum forgot about the way it used to be
Got no respect and no cold steel, just games on TV
And I'll burn in hell before I sell my rights away from me
It's high time we embrace the tool that keeps all men free
Come on and get you some
Come on
Come on and get you some
Come on
Come on and get you some today
Come on and get you some
Come on
Come on and get you some
Come on
Come on and get you some tonight
Friday, April 20, 2012
Dallas Blogshoot rendevous point
US Citizen leaves a comment revealing the classified rendezvous point for tomorrow's Dallas area blogshoot.
Texaco gas station
502 East Beltline Rd
Wilmer, TX 75172
This is at the intersection of I-45 and Beltline Rd.
Rendezvous time is 10:00 AM, 21 April 2012. The range has a gate, and we will all convoy there. Email me and I'll send you my cell phone number if you'd like.
Bring water, sunscreen, boots (it's been raining), food items, and guns. Lots of guns.
See you there tomorrow!
Texaco gas station
502 East Beltline Rd
Wilmer, TX 75172
This is at the intersection of I-45 and Beltline Rd.
Rendezvous time is 10:00 AM, 21 April 2012. The range has a gate, and we will all convoy there. Email me and I'll send you my cell phone number if you'd like.
Bring water, sunscreen, boots (it's been raining), food items, and guns. Lots of guns.
See you there tomorrow!
Bobby Valentine is a jackass luser
Just sayin'.
There are two things I miss from New England: shooting with the New England Gunbloggers, and NESN television for all your Red Sox watchin' needs. I was going to drop my fiber-to-the-curb and get Dish Network, which lets me get NESN, even in Atlanta.
And then John Henry and the Red Sox owners went and screwed over Terry Francona and brought in the worst manager since Joe Kerrigan. Here's a little Red Sox history quiz for Henry and the money boys: name a manager who won more World Series for the Sox than Francona. It's a trick question; none of the 43 other managers won more World Series for the team.
And so I figured that my blood pressure was already high enough, and I'm not getting NESN. Great work, owners. Makes me long for the days of Buddy LeRoux.
Off topic but important: if you're a Red Sox fan, you should be reading A Large Regular.
There are two things I miss from New England: shooting with the New England Gunbloggers, and NESN television for all your Red Sox watchin' needs. I was going to drop my fiber-to-the-curb and get Dish Network, which lets me get NESN, even in Atlanta.
And then John Henry and the Red Sox owners went and screwed over Terry Francona and brought in the worst manager since Joe Kerrigan. Here's a little Red Sox history quiz for Henry and the money boys: name a manager who won more World Series for the Sox than Francona. It's a trick question; none of the 43 other managers won more World Series for the team.
And so I figured that my blood pressure was already high enough, and I'm not getting NESN. Great work, owners. Makes me long for the days of Buddy LeRoux.
Off topic but important: if you're a Red Sox fan, you should be reading A Large Regular.
Recycled computer security gags are evergreen
Reader Auric Tech leaves a comment to point to this:
I wonder if all the security savvy sysadmins got force choked or something?
Pretty sure that I posted this once, but it's one of the classics. And extra retro props for the green-on-black.
I wonder if all the security savvy sysadmins got force choked or something?
Pretty sure that I posted this once, but it's one of the classics. And extra retro props for the green-on-black.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Truth in advertising
It is astonishing that they'd admit it, but this is entirely true. Entirely.
The only thing I'd change is that their phone is also a beta test. All high tech products are a beta test. The product planners go by the mantra "go ugly early" - get to market and let your users tell you what to change. So it's never ready for Prime Time, by definition.
Love the amish guys, though.
The only thing I'd change is that their phone is also a beta test. All high tech products are a beta test. The product planners go by the mantra "go ugly early" - get to market and let your users tell you what to change. So it's never ready for Prime Time, by definition.
Love the amish guys, though.
Climate Smörgåsbord , vol 2, no 1
UK.Gov kills Wind Power
Even the Nanny State is throwing in the towel on "renewable" wind power, realizing that expensive, intermittent power requiring massively polluting backup coal plants and which is only "sustainable" by continuing and ever increasing subsidies is a brain dead idea.
Other than that, it's awesome.
A reasoned presentation on dealing with global warming
No, really. I'm pretty skeptical of the whole ZOMG Thermageddon thing, but there is actually an interesting case to be made about how to address the public policy aspects of the issue. Srlsy.
Climate Scientist Roger Pilke Jr has a very interesting presentation on how the current warming debate has utterly failed, and what issues need to be addressed head on if there's any hope at all of action. Proposals that will reduce GDP, people's standard of living, or condemn the developing world to poverty are, according to Pielke, immoral and counter productive. Actually, you can count me in that camp, too.
Pielke thinks we should do something about CO2, but his presentation is entirely sensible and worth your time. I'm still not convinced on the recent warming claims (I think there are terrible quality problems with the temperature databases), but if every warmist was a sensible as Pielke, the world would be a better place. Recommended.
Having trouble getting peer-reviewed research linking global warming and tornadoes?
Climate Science has jumped the shark - Science by Press Release has been replaced by Science by Telephone Poll. Reprinted in full here at the invitation of Anthony Watts. Next time anyone tells you that "the science is settled", mock them.
Since warming hasn’t been cooperating lately, in desperation, Yale and George Mason University are trying to use a poorly worded and loaded poll to convince us that “weather is climate”. Problem is, the data does not support it.
Here’s the poll released today:

Just looking at the cover tells you a lot, it’s about the imagery of fear and terror, not facts.
Here’s a quote from the many news stories being circulated today in the MSM:

What’s hilarious about this question is that the memory of such events is aided by the stories in the mainstream media, and what we are seeing is a positive feedback loop. More on that below.
These are probably the most pointless and loaded questions ever to be put into a poll about weather, why? because short-term memory is better than long-term, and they play into this fact, biasing the results strongly. Plus, it has been shown that bad weather itself affects memory:

(Update: in comments, Thomas has this to say:)
But, by saying “we are taking a poll about extreme weather” and then including winds, rain, snowstorms, heat waves, cold snaps, etc, which are regular occurences, lumping them with tornadoes, hurricanes, etc…they bias the poll by association. It’s a clever trick, and it is also dishonest.
And in a hat tip to the slimy “forecast The Facts” campaign against TV weathercasters that don’t “toe the line” on saying garbage like this, here’s the poll’s hat tip to that paid political ploy run by the Center for American Progress:

In stark contrast the agenda filled Yale poll by Anthony A. Leiserowitz, a Gallup poll from last week says that American don’t seem much concerned about global warming at all. In fact it is dead last in the concerns. They are getting desperate, in fact MSM coverage of climate issues has dropped significantly, according to Media Matters:
Ok let’s look at that positive feedback loop of opinion aided by the MSM I mentioned earlier. For that, I’m reposting portions of:
Bouziotas et al. presented a paper at the EGU a few weeks ago (PDF) and concluded:
That “common perception” is central to the theme of “global climate disruption”, started by John P. Holdren in this presentation, which is one of the new buzzword phrases after “global warming” and “climate change” used to convey alarm.
Like Holdren, many people who ascribe to doomsday scenarios related to AGW seem to think that severe weather is happening more frequently. From a perception not steeped in the history of television technology, web technology, and mass media, which has been my domain of avocation and business, I can see how some people might think this. I’ve touched on this subject before, but it bears repeating again and in more detail.
Let’s consider how we might come to think that severe weather is more frequent than before. Using this Wikipedia timeline as a start, I’ve created a timeline that tracks the earliest communications to the present, adding also severe weather events of note and weather and news technology improvements for context.
With such global coverage, instant messaging, and Internet enabled phones with cameras now, is it any wonder that nothing related to severe weather or disaster escapes our notice any more? Certainly, without considering the technological change in our society, it would seem as if severe weather events and disasters are becoming much more frequent.
To borrow and modify a famous phrase from James Carville:
While our world has seen the explosion of TV news networks, Internet News websites. personal cameras and recording technology, smartphones with cameras, and the ability to submit a photo or movie or live video feed virtually anywhere, anytime, giving us reporting of weather and disaster instantly on the scene, where tornadoes live on TV is becoming a ho-hum event, there’s one set of elusive phenomena that still hasn’t seen an increase in credible reporting and documentation:
And this article is also germane:
The Amazing Decline in Deaths from Extreme Weather in an Era of Global Warming, 1900–2010
Proponents of drastic curbs on greenhouse gas emissions claim that such emissions cause global warming and that this exacerbates the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including extreme heat, droughts, floods and storms such as hurricanes and cyclones. But what matters is not the incidence of extreme weather events per se but the impact of such events—especially the human impact. To that end, it is instructive to examine trends in global mortality (i.e. the number of people killed) and mortality rates (i.e. the proportion of people killed) associated with extreme weather events for the 111-year period from 1900 to 2010.

This is due to better warnings, and yes, the MSM (especially TV and radio) is key to getting those warnings out.
Here’s another germane article:
Pielke Jr. writes on his blog:
The decades leading up to 2011 convinced many that the tornado threat had been reduced to the point that 100 fatality tornadoes and 500 fatality years were in the past. After all, neither figure had been exceeded in the U.S. in over 50 years. The National Weather Service implemented a nationwide network of Doppler weather radars in the 1990s. Warning lead time doubled, and then almost doubled again, providing sufficient time for families to receive a warning and take shelter. Television stations used sophisticated graphics to cover tornadoes with ever-increasing accuracy. Street level tracking software allowed TV viewers to know the exact location of a tornado and how close it might get to their home.
In this environment, a tornado that killed 10 or more people was national
news and could grab the attention of the public for days and perhaps weeks. In 1999 one of the most powerful tornadoes ever documented struck a metropolitan area and resulted in 36 deaths, which while tragic, was only a fraction of the toll that might have been expected from a tornado like this at the start of the 20th century. The benchmark for what constituted a major tornado event was much different than 1974, when the 3-4 April “Super Outbreak” killed over 300 people. Things were different now, or so many people thought.
We begin by summarising the damages and fatalities from U.S. tornadoes in 2011. Next, we examine the tornado outbreak as it relates to the historical record. The next section looks at the role that extreme weather played, followed by a discussion of some of the vulnerabilities that are known to increase fatalities from tornadoes. We then consider what can be done to limit damages and fatalities from future tornado outbreaks. Finally, we discuss whether or not this was an event that can be expected to occur again and then we conclude.
Three previous seasons—1953, 1965 and 1974—now rival damage in 2011. Normalised damage exceeded US$20 billion in 1953 and 1965 and exceeded US$10 billion in 1974. The 1953 season provides perhaps the best historical comparison with 2011, as much of the damage in 1965 and 1974 occurred in just one outbreak. Damage in 1965 is attributable to the Palm Sunday outbreak, while damage in 1974 occurred in the 2-3 April “Super Outbreak”. 1953 had multiple damaging outbreaks in different parts of the country. One of the worst tornadoes of 1953 occurred in Worcester, MA, and ranked first in normalised damage until the Joplin tornado of 2011.
Here’s another:
“…it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes”
Every time warmist academics try to push these ridiculous opinion polls as proof of “global warming makes weather more severe and more frequent” all it takes is a casual look at the data to know they are blowing hot air.
I give carte blanche permission to repost this article far and wide, bloggers, have at it.
(Borepatch again)
Of course, you can always mock them with this, which always brings a smile to my face.
Even the Nanny State is throwing in the towel on "renewable" wind power, realizing that expensive, intermittent power requiring massively polluting backup coal plants and which is only "sustainable" by continuing and ever increasing subsidies is a brain dead idea.
It looks as though the wind energy boom is over. UK energy minister Greg Barker has hinted at a significant change in government strategy - cutting subsidies for the deployment and operation of environmentalists’ favoured technologies.
Consumers bore the cost of wind’s intermittency and operators were paid when not producing any electricity. In one case an operator asked to be paid ten times as much to close the turbines as they would have received operating them for contributions to the National Grid. Those payments, hidden until this year, rose 13,733 per cent in 2011.
Other than that, it's awesome.
A reasoned presentation on dealing with global warming
No, really. I'm pretty skeptical of the whole ZOMG Thermageddon thing, but there is actually an interesting case to be made about how to address the public policy aspects of the issue. Srlsy.
Climate Scientist Roger Pilke Jr has a very interesting presentation on how the current warming debate has utterly failed, and what issues need to be addressed head on if there's any hope at all of action. Proposals that will reduce GDP, people's standard of living, or condemn the developing world to poverty are, according to Pielke, immoral and counter productive. Actually, you can count me in that camp, too.
Pielke thinks we should do something about CO2, but his presentation is entirely sensible and worth your time. I'm still not convinced on the recent warming claims (I think there are terrible quality problems with the temperature databases), but if every warmist was a sensible as Pielke, the world would be a better place. Recommended.
Having trouble getting peer-reviewed research linking global warming and tornadoes?
Climate Science has jumped the shark - Science by Press Release has been replaced by Science by Telephone Poll. Reprinted in full here at the invitation of Anthony Watts. Next time anyone tells you that "the science is settled", mock them.
Since warming hasn’t been cooperating lately, in desperation, Yale and George Mason University are trying to use a poorly worded and loaded poll to convince us that “weather is climate”. Problem is, the data does not support it.
Here’s the poll released today:
Just looking at the cover tells you a lot, it’s about the imagery of fear and terror, not facts.
Here’s a quote from the many news stories being circulated today in the MSM:
“Most people in the country are looking at everything that’s happened; it just seems to be one disaster after another after another,” said Anthony A. Leiserowitz of Yale University, one of the researchers who commissioned the new poll. “People are starting to connect the dots.”Well by all means, let’s “connect the dots”, but let’s use history and data rather than sloppy questions like this:
What’s hilarious about this question is that the memory of such events is aided by the stories in the mainstream media, and what we are seeing is a positive feedback loop. More on that below.
These are probably the most pointless and loaded questions ever to be put into a poll about weather, why? because short-term memory is better than long-term, and they play into this fact, biasing the results strongly. Plus, it has been shown that bad weather itself affects memory:
“We predicted and found that weather-induced negative mood improved memory accuracy,” he wrote in the study, which is published in the current Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.Yale makes no mention of this psychological tendency to remember better in bad weather in their study, nor do they correct for it. So then, it is no surprise to see results like this for weather in the last year:
Another study from the University of Toronto has also shown a link between bad moods and ability to remember details.
Forgas speculated that a worse mood helps us to focus our attention on the surroundings and leads to a more thorough and careful thinking style, while happiness tends to reduce focus and increase both confidence and forgetfulness.
(Update: in comments, Thomas has this to say:)
According to the poll 21% of respondents experience a tornado in the last year. Extrapolating that out to the U.S. population, that would mean that over 60 million Americans were affected by tornadoes in 2011.I’d really like to see what the last 10 years looks like in a similar question…but they wouldn’t dare do that, because it would not give the results they seek. Plus, the type of severe weather events listed above, have regional distributions. For example, the south far more likely to have tornadoes and hurricanes that the Pacific Northwest. And in any given year, a strong wind and a strong rainstorm are common events just about anywhere, yet they try to make normal weather part of the “extreme” weather pattern, without defining what “extreme” weather is to the person being polled.
That strikes me as wildly inaccurate and falls into question whether this poll has any validity at all.
But, by saying “we are taking a poll about extreme weather” and then including winds, rain, snowstorms, heat waves, cold snaps, etc, which are regular occurences, lumping them with tornadoes, hurricanes, etc…they bias the poll by association. It’s a clever trick, and it is also dishonest.
And in a hat tip to the slimy “forecast The Facts” campaign against TV weathercasters that don’t “toe the line” on saying garbage like this, here’s the poll’s hat tip to that paid political ploy run by the Center for American Progress:
In stark contrast the agenda filled Yale poll by Anthony A. Leiserowitz, a Gallup poll from last week says that American don’t seem much concerned about global warming at all. In fact it is dead last in the concerns. They are getting desperate, in fact MSM coverage of climate issues has dropped significantly, according to Media Matters:
A Media Matters report released this week found that broadcast news coverage of climate change has dropped significantly since 2009, despite a series of key developments in climate science and politics.This is why warmists need a new ploy, if they can make global warming about everyday weather, they’ll have a golden hammer. In my opinion, it is psychological terrorism.
Ok let’s look at that positive feedback loop of opinion aided by the MSM I mentioned earlier. For that, I’m reposting portions of:
Why it seems that severe weather is “getting worse” when the data shows otherwise – a historical perspective
Published in April 2011 on WUWTBouziotas et al. presented a paper at the EGU a few weeks ago (PDF) and concluded:
Analysis of trends and of aggregated time series on climatic (30-year) scale does not indicate consistent trends worldwide. Despite common perception, in general, the detected trends are more negative (less intense floods in most recent years) than positive. Similarly, Svensson et al. (2005) and Di Baldassarre et al. (2010) did not find systematical change neither in flood increasing or decreasing numbers nor change in flood magnitudes in their analysis.Note the phrase I highlighted: “Despite common perception”. I was very pleased to see that in context with a conclusion from real data.
That “common perception” is central to the theme of “global climate disruption”, started by John P. Holdren in this presentation, which is one of the new buzzword phrases after “global warming” and “climate change” used to convey alarm.
Like Holdren, many people who ascribe to doomsday scenarios related to AGW seem to think that severe weather is happening more frequently. From a perception not steeped in the history of television technology, web technology, and mass media, which has been my domain of avocation and business, I can see how some people might think this. I’ve touched on this subject before, but it bears repeating again and in more detail.
Let’s consider how we might come to think that severe weather is more frequent than before. Using this Wikipedia timeline as a start, I’ve created a timeline that tracks the earliest communications to the present, adding also severe weather events of note and weather and news technology improvements for context.
- Prior to 3500BC – Communication was carried out through paintings of indigenous tribes.
- 3500s BC – The Sumerians develop cuneiform writing and the Egyptians develop hieroglyphic writing
- 16th century BC – The Phoenicians develop an alphabet
- AD 26-37 – Roman Emperor Tiberius rules the empire from island of Capri by signaling messages with metal mirrors to reflect the sun
- 105 – Tsai Lun invents paper
- 7th century – Hindu-Malayan empires write legal documents on copper plate scrolls, and write other documents on more perishable media
- 751 – Paper is introduced to the Muslim world after the Battle of Talas
- 1305 – The Chinese develop wooden block movable type printing
- 1450 – Johannes Gutenberg finishes a printing press with metal movable type
- 1520 – Ships on Ferdinand Magellan‘s voyage signal to each other by firing cannon and raising flags.
- 1776 The Pointe-à-Pitre hurricane was at one point the deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record. At least 6,000 fatalities occurred on Guadeloupe, which was a higher death toll than any known hurricane before it. It also struck Louisiana, but there was no warning nor knowledge of the deaths on Guadeloupe when it did. It also affected Antigua and Martinique early in its duration.
- 1780 – The Great Hurricane of 1780, also known as Hurricane San Calixto is considered the deadliest Atlantic tropical cyclone of all time. About 22,000 people died when the storm swept over Martinique, St. Eustatius and Barbados between October 10 and October 16. Thousands of deaths also occurred offshore. Reports of this hurricane took weeks to reach US newspapers of the era.
- 1793 – Claude Chappe establishes the first long-distance semaphore telegraph line
- 1812 – The Aug. 19, 1812 New Orleans Hurricane that didn’t appear in the Daily National Intelligencer/(Washington, DC) until later September. Daily National Intelligencer. Sept. 22, 1812, p. 3. Dreadful Hurricane. The following letters present an account of the ravages of one of those terrific storms to which the Southern extreme of our continent is so subject. Extract of a letter from Gen. Wilkinson, dated New Orleans, August 22.
- 1831 – Joseph Henry proposes and builds an electric telegraph
- 1835 – Samuel Morse develops the Morse code
- 1843 – Samuel Morse builds the first long distance electric telegraph line
- 1844 – Charles Fenerty produces paper from a wood pulp, eliminating rag paper which was in limited supply
- 1849 – Associated Press organizes Nova Scotia pony express to carry latest European news for New York newspapers
- 1851 – The New York Times newspaper founded
- 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson exhibit an electric telephone in Boston
- 1877 – Thomas Edison patents the phonograph
- 1889 – Almon Strowger patents the direct dial telephone
- 1901 – Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals from Cornwall to Newfoundland
- 1906 – Reginald Fessenden used a synchronous rotary-spark transmitter for the first radio program broadcast, from Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock, Massachusetts. Ships at sea heard a broadcast that included Fessenden playing O Holy Night on the violin and reading a passage from the Bible.
- 1914 – teletype intrduced as a news tool The Associated Press introduced the “telegraph typewriter” or teletype into newsrooms in 1914, making transmission of entire ready to read news stories available worldwide.
- 1920 – The first radio news program was broadcast August 31, 1920 by station 8MK in Detroit, Michigan, which survives today as all-news format station WWJ under ownership of the CBS network.
- 1925 – John Logie Baird transmits the first television signal
- 1928 – NBC completed the first permanent coast-to-coast radio network in the United States, linked by telephone circuits
- 1935 – Associated Press launched the Wirephoto network, which allowed transmission of news photographs over telephone lines on the day they were taken.
- 1942 – Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil invent frequency hopping spread spectrum communication technique
- 1946 – The DuMont Television Network, which had begun experimental broadcasts before the war, launched what Newsweek called “the country’s first permanent commercial television network” on August 15, 1946
- 1947 – Douglas H. Ring and W. Rae Young of Bell Labs proposed a cell-based approach which lead to “cellular phones“
- 1947 – July 27th. The WSR-1 weather surveillance radar, cobbled together from spare parts of the Navy AN/APS-2F radar was put into service in Norfolk, NE. It was later replaced by improved models WSR-3 and WSR-4
- 1948 – Network TV news begins. Launched in February 1948 by NBC, Camel Newsreel Theatre was a 10-minute program anchored by John Cameron Swayze, and featured newsreels from Movietone News. CBS soon followed suit in May 1948 with a 15-minute program, CBS-TV News, anchored by Douglas Edwards and subsequently renamed Douglas Edwards with the News.
- 1948 – The first successful “tornado forecast” issued, and successfully predicted the 1948 Tinker Air Force Base tornadoes which were two tornadoes which struck Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 20 and March 25.
- In 1953, Donald Staggs, an electrical engineer working for the Illinois State Water Survey, made the first recorded radar observation of a “hook echo” associated with a tornadic thunderstorm.
- 1957 the WSR-57 the first ‘modern’ weather radar, is commissioned by the U.S. Weather Bureau
- 1958 – Chester Carlson presents the first photocopier suitable for office use
- 1960 – TIROS-1 the first successful weather satellite, and the first of a series of Television Infrared Observation Satellites, was launched at 6:40 AM EST[1] on April 1, 1960 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
- 1962 – The first satellite television signal was relayed from Europe to the Telstar satellite over North America.
- 1963 – First geosynchronous communications satellite is launched, 17 years after Arthur C. Clarke‘s article
- 1963 CBS Evening News establishes the standard 30 minute network news broadcast. On September 2, 1963, the show expanded from 15 to 30 minutes.
- 1966 – Charles Kao realizes that silica-based optical waveguides offer a practical way to transmit light via total internal reflection
- 1967 – The National Hurricane Center is established in the Miami, FL National Weather Service Forecast Office.
- 1969 – The first hosts of ARPANET, Internet‘s ancestor, are connected.
- 1969 – August 14-22 Hurricane Camille, a Category 5 storm, gets widespread network news coverage from correspondents “on the scene”.
- 1969 – Compuserve, and early dialup text based bulletin board system is launched in Columbus, Ohio, serving just that city with a
- 1971 – Erna Schneider Hoover invented a computerized switching system for telephone traffic.
- 1971 – Ray Tomlinson is generally credited as having sent the first email across a network, initiating the use of the “@” sign to separate the names of the user and the user’s machine.
- 1972 – Radio Shack stores introduce “The Weather Cube”, the first mass marketed weather alert radio. (page 77 here) allowing citizens to get weather forecasts and bulletins in their home for only $14.95
- 1974 April 3rd – WCPO-TV in Cincinnati carries the “Sayler Park Tornado” live on television as it was crossing the Ohio river. It was part of the biggest tornado super outbreak in history. It is the largest tornado outbreak on record for a single 24-hour period. From April 3 to April 4, 1974, there were 148 tornadoes confirmed in 13 US states. Lack of timely warnings demonstrated the need for an expanded NOAA weather radio warning system.
- 1974 – The first Synchronous Meteorological Satellite SMS-1 was launched May 17, followed later by GOES-1 in 1975.
- 1974 the WSR-74 the second modern radar system is put into service at selected National Weather Service office in the United States and exported to other countries.
- 1975 – The Altair 8800, the world’s first home computer kit was introduced in the January edition of popular electronics
- 1975-1976 NOAA Weather Radio network expanded from about 50 transmitters to 330 with a goal of reaching 70 percent of the populace with storm warning broadcasts.
- 1977 – Radio Shack introduces a weather radio with built in automatic alerting that will sound off when the National Weather Service issues an alert on the new expanded NOAA Weather Radio network with over 100 stations. Page 145 here
- 1977 – The Apple II, one of the first highly successful mass-produced home microcomputers was introduced.
- 1978 – NOAA Weather Radio receivers with automatic audio insertion capabilities for radio and TV audio began to become widely installed.
- 1979 – The first commercially automated cellular network (the 1G) was launched in Japan by NTT in 1979, initially in the metropolitan area of Tokyo. Within five years, the NTT network had been expanded to cover the whole population of Japan and became the first nationwide 1G network.
- 1980 – Cable News Network (CNN) is founded by Ted Turner.Upon its launch, CNN was the first channel to provide 24-hour television news coverage, and the first all-news television channel in the United States.
- 1980 - A heatwave hit much of the United States, killing as many as 1,250 people in one of the deadliest heat waves in history.
- 1981 – Home satellite dishes and receivers on C-band start to become widely available.
- 1981 – The IBM Personal Computer aka IBM model number 5150, and was introduced on August 12, 1981, it set a standard for x86 systems still in use today.
- 1982, May 2nd – The Weather Channel (TWC) is launched by John Coleman and Joe D’Aleo with 24 hour broadcasts of computerized weather forecasts and weather-related news.
- 1983 – Sony released the first consumer camcorder—the Betamovie BMC-100P
- 1983 America Online (then as Control Video Corporation, Vienna, Virginia) debuts as a nationwide bulletin board system featuring email.
- 1983 – The first 1G cellular telephone network launched in the USA was Chicago-based Ameritech using the Motorola DynaTAC mobile phone.
- 1984 – The Apple Macintosh computer, with a built in graphical interface, was announced. The Macintosh was introduced by the now famous US$1.5 million Ridley Scott television commercial, “1984“. The commercial most notably aired during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII on 22 January 1984 and is now considered a “watershed event”.
- 1985 – Panasonic, RCA, and Hitachi began producing camcorders that recorded to full-sized VHS cassette and offered up to 3 hours of record time. TV news soon began to have video of news and weather events submitted from members of the public.
- 1986 July 18th, KARE-TV in Minneapolis dispatches a news helicopter to catch live video of a tornado in progress, live at 5:13 PM during their news broadcast.
- 1988 – Doppler Radar goes national – the construction of a network consisting of 10 cm (4 in) wavelength radars, called NEXRAD or WSR-88D (Weather Service Radar 1988 Doppler), was started.
- 1989 – Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau built the prototype system which became the World Wide Web at CERN
- 1989 – August Sony announced the Sony ProMavica (Magnetic Video Camera) electronic still camera, considered the first widely available electronic camera able to load images to a computer via floppy disk.
- 1991 – Anders Olsson transmits solitary waves through an optical fiber with a data rate of 32 billion bits per second.
- 1991 – The 1991 Perfect Storm hits New England as a Category 1 hurricane and causes $1 billion dollars in damage. Covered widely in TV and print, it later becomes a movie starring George Clooney.
- 1992 – Neil Papworth sends the first SMS (or text message).
- 1992 – August 16-28 Hurricane Andrew, spotted at sea with weather satellites, is given nearly continuous coverage on CNN and other network news outlets as it approaches Florida. Live TV news via satellite coverage as well as some Internet coverage is offered. It was the first Category 5 hurricane imaged on NEXRAD.
- 1993 – The Great Mississippi Flood was carried on network television as levees breached, millions of viewers watched the flood in real-time and near real-time.
- 1994 – Internet2 organization created
- 1994 – Home satellite service DirecTV launched on June 17th
- 1994 – An initiative by Vice President Gore raised the NOAA Weather Radio warning coverage to 95 percent of the US populace.
- 1995 – The Weather Underground website was launched
- 1995 – DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) began to be implemented in the USA
- 1996 – Home satellite service Dish Network launched on March 4th
- 1996 – Fox News Channel was launched on October 7, 1996 with 24 hour news coverage
- 1996 – The Movie “Twister” was released on May 10, showing the drama and science of severe weather chasing in the USA midwest.
- 1999 – Dr. Kevin Trenberth posts a report and web essay titled The Extreme Weather Events of 1997 and 1998 citing “global greenhouse warming” as a cause. Trenberth recognizes “wider coverage” but dismisses it saying: “While we are indeed exposed to more and ever-wider coverage of the weather, the nature of some of the records being broken suggests a deeper explanation: that real changes are under way.”
- 2002 – Google News page was launched in March. It was later updated to so that users can request e-mail “alerts” on various keyword topics by subscribing to Google News Alerts.
- 2004 – December: A freak snowstorm hits the southernmost parts of Texas and Louisiana, dumping snow into regions that do not normally witness winter snowfall during the hours leading up to December 25 in what is called the 2004 Christmas Eve Snowstorm.
- 2004 – DSL began to become widely accepted in the USA, making broadband Internet connections affordable to most homes.
- 2004 – On November 19, the Website “Real Climate” was introduced, backed by Fenton communications, to sell the idea of climate change from “real scientists”.
- 2004 – December The website “Climate Audit” was launched.
- 2005 – August, Hurricane Katrina caused catastrophic damage along the Gulf Coast of the United States, forcing the effective abandonment of southeastern Louisiana (including New Orleans) for up to 2 months and damaging oil wells that sent gas prices in the U.S. to an all-time record high. Katrina killed at least 1,836 people and caused at least $75 billion US in damages, making it one of the costliest natural disasters of all time. TV viewers worldwide watched the storm strike in real time, Internet coverage was also timely and widespread.
- 2006 – Al Gore’s movie An Inconvenient Truth premiered at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and opening in New York City and Los Angeles on May 24. It went on to limited theater release and home view DVD. It was the first entertainment film about global warming as a “crisis”, with hurricane Katrina prominently featured as “result” of global warming.
- 2006 – The short instant message service Twitter was launched July 15, 2006
- 2006 – November 17th, Watts Up With That was launched.
- 2007 – The iPhone, with graphics and Twitter instant messaging capabilities was released on June 29, 2007.
- 2007 – The reality show “Storm Chasers” debuts on the Discovery channel on October 17, 2007, showing severe weather pursuit as entertainment.
- 2007 – On October 10th, in Dimmock v Secretary of State for Education and Skills Al Gore’s AIT movie was challenged in a UK court, and found to have nine factual errors. It was the first time “science as movie” had been legally challenged.
- The 2008 Super Tuesday tornado outbreak was a deadly tornado outbreak affecting the Southern United States and the lower Ohio Valley from February 5 to February 6, 2008. With more than 80 confirmed tornados and 58 deaths, the outbreak was the deadliest in the U.S. since the May 31, 1985 outbreak that killed 76 across Ohio and Pennsylvania. It was widely covered live on US media.
- 2010 – A heat wave in Russia was widely reported by global media as being directly a result of “global warming”. Scientific research from NOAA released later in 2010 and 2011 showed that to be a false claim.
- 2011 – On January 4th, the Pew Research Center released a poll showing that Internet had surpassed television as the preferred source for news, especially among younger people.
- 2011 – March, notice of an Earthquake off the coast of Japan was blogged near real-time thanks to a USGS email message alert before TV news media picked up the story, followed by A Tsunami warning. A Japanese TV news helicopter with live feed was dispatched and showed the Tsunami live as it approached the coast of Japan and hit the beaches. Carried by every major global news outlet lus live streamed on the Internet, it was the first time a Tsunami of this magnitude was seen live on global television before it impacted land.
With such global coverage, instant messaging, and Internet enabled phones with cameras now, is it any wonder that nothing related to severe weather or disaster escapes our notice any more? Certainly, without considering the technological change in our society, it would seem as if severe weather events and disasters are becoming much more frequent.
To borrow and modify a famous phrase from James Carville:
It’s the technology, stupid.Which speaks to the phrase: “Despite common perception” which I highlighted at the beginning. The speed of weather tracking and communications technology curve aids in our “common perception” of severe weather events. The reality of severe weather frequency though, is actually different. While we may see more of it, that happens because there are millions more eyes, ears, cameras, and networks than ever before.
1. There are less Tornadoes in the USA
2. Global tropical cyclone activity, as measured by frequency and ACE is at the lowest in 30 years, despite 2010 being claimed as the warmest year ever:
3. And now, back to our original seed for this long thread, no effect in global flooding events:Destructive floods observed in the last decade all over the world have led to record high material damage. The conventional belief is that the increasing cost of floods is associated with increasing human development on flood plains (Pielke & Downton, 2000). However, the question remains as to whether or not the frequency and/or magnitude of flooding is also increasing and, if so, whether it is in response to climate variability and change.Finally, this parting note.
Several scenarios of future climate indicate a likelihood of increased intense precipitation and flood hazard. However, observations to date provide no conclusive and general proof as to how climate change affects flood behaviour.
While our world has seen the explosion of TV news networks, Internet News websites. personal cameras and recording technology, smartphones with cameras, and the ability to submit a photo or movie or live video feed virtually anywhere, anytime, giving us reporting of weather and disaster instantly on the scene, where tornadoes live on TV is becoming a ho-hum event, there’s one set of elusive phenomena that still hasn’t seen an increase in credible reporting and documentation:
UFO’s, Loch Ness monster, and Bigfoot.We still haven’t seen anything credible from the millions of extra electronic eyes and ears out there, and people still marvel over old grainy images. You’d think if they were on the increase, we’d know about it. ;-)
And this article is also germane:
The Amazing Decline in Deaths from Extreme Weather in an Era of Global Warming, 1900–2010
Proponents of drastic curbs on greenhouse gas emissions claim that such emissions cause global warming and that this exacerbates the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including extreme heat, droughts, floods and storms such as hurricanes and cyclones. But what matters is not the incidence of extreme weather events per se but the impact of such events—especially the human impact. To that end, it is instructive to examine trends in global mortality (i.e. the number of people killed) and mortality rates (i.e. the proportion of people killed) associated with extreme weather events for the 111-year period from 1900 to 2010.
This is due to better warnings, and yes, the MSM (especially TV and radio) is key to getting those warnings out.
Here’s another germane article:
Another blow to warmist hysteria over weather is not climate unless we say it is: “2011 damage is qualitatively indistinguishable from 1974″
Simmons, K., D. Sutter, R.A. Pielke, Jr. (2012), Blown away: monetary and human impacts of the 2011 U.S. tornadoes. Extreme events and insurance: 2011 annus horribilis (Edited by C. Courbage and W.R. Stahel) The Geneva Reports: Risk and Insurance Research , Published March 2012.Pielke Jr. writes on his blog:
1. When using our dataset, it is best to use the damage numbers as tabulated by the US NWS as they are consistent over timeHere’s the summary from the report:
2. That said, 2011 damage is qualitatively indistinguishable from 1974 and19541953 at >;$20B
3. That would give a simple baseline expectation of 1 in 20 for 2011, but half or twice that would not be implausible given the uncertainties, so between 1 in 10 and 1 in 40
4. For 2012 and looking ahead there are two big question marks, one more certain than the other. Urbanization is increasing, which means that the chance of large losses increases (somewhat at the expense of smaller and medium losses of course). And there has been a notable and significant decline in the incidence of strong tornadoes in recent decades
The decades leading up to 2011 convinced many that the tornado threat had been reduced to the point that 100 fatality tornadoes and 500 fatality years were in the past. After all, neither figure had been exceeded in the U.S. in over 50 years. The National Weather Service implemented a nationwide network of Doppler weather radars in the 1990s. Warning lead time doubled, and then almost doubled again, providing sufficient time for families to receive a warning and take shelter. Television stations used sophisticated graphics to cover tornadoes with ever-increasing accuracy. Street level tracking software allowed TV viewers to know the exact location of a tornado and how close it might get to their home.
In this environment, a tornado that killed 10 or more people was national
news and could grab the attention of the public for days and perhaps weeks. In 1999 one of the most powerful tornadoes ever documented struck a metropolitan area and resulted in 36 deaths, which while tragic, was only a fraction of the toll that might have been expected from a tornado like this at the start of the 20th century. The benchmark for what constituted a major tornado event was much different than 1974, when the 3-4 April “Super Outbreak” killed over 300 people. Things were different now, or so many people thought.
We begin by summarising the damages and fatalities from U.S. tornadoes in 2011. Next, we examine the tornado outbreak as it relates to the historical record. The next section looks at the role that extreme weather played, followed by a discussion of some of the vulnerabilities that are known to increase fatalities from tornadoes. We then consider what can be done to limit damages and fatalities from future tornado outbreaks. Finally, we discuss whether or not this was an event that can be expected to occur again and then we conclude.
Three previous seasons—1953, 1965 and 1974—now rival damage in 2011. Normalised damage exceeded US$20 billion in 1953 and 1965 and exceeded US$10 billion in 1974. The 1953 season provides perhaps the best historical comparison with 2011, as much of the damage in 1965 and 1974 occurred in just one outbreak. Damage in 1965 is attributable to the Palm Sunday outbreak, while damage in 1974 occurred in the 2-3 April “Super Outbreak”. 1953 had multiple damaging outbreaks in different parts of the country. One of the worst tornadoes of 1953 occurred in Worcester, MA, and ranked first in normalised damage until the Joplin tornado of 2011.
Here’s another:
“…it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes”
“If you look at the past 60 years of data, the number of tornadoes is increasing significantly, but it’s agreed upon by the tornado community that it’s not a real increase,” said Grady Dixon, assistant professor of meteorology and climatology at Mississippi State University.Full story here.
“It’s having to do with better (weather tracking) technology, more population, the fact that the population is better educated and more aware. So we’re seeing them more often,” Dixon said.
But he said it would be “a terrible mistake” to relate the up-tick to climate change.
Every time warmist academics try to push these ridiculous opinion polls as proof of “global warming makes weather more severe and more frequent” all it takes is a casual look at the data to know they are blowing hot air.
I give carte blanche permission to repost this article far and wide, bloggers, have at it.
(Borepatch again)
Of course, you can always mock them with this, which always brings a smile to my face.
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