Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's time to cut Europe loose

The EU embodies an ideology that is fundamentally anti-American, and it's time for our foreign policy to recognize that.

Exhibit A: EU thwarts anti-terror data sharing:

One way to keep these terrorists out of the country is to heighten border scrutiny of Europeans and Americans who’ve traveled to Pakistan and spent months there without visible means of support.  To do that, of course, border authorities need to know who’s been traveling in and out of Pakistan.  Then they can use that information to flag visitors for additional questioning.
So how is the European Commission helping the US get the information it needs to protect itself from European terrorists trained in Pakistan?
It’s not.  In fact, it’s campaigning to make sure we never get it.
Quite frankly, the only way to deal with Mumbai-style terror attacks by radical American terrorists is by promiscuously granting concealed carry permits to law-abiding Americans.  Nice "we should be more like Europe", lefties - your European friends are fixin' to get a lot of folks killed here.

Exhibit B: Europe to block flights from America unless we enact a Carbon Tax:

Foreign airlines are threatened with a flight and landing ban from 2012 in the European Union if they do not participate in emissions trading.

The ban is proposed in an internal document by the EU Commission seen by Handelsblatt. Summarised on nine pages, the guidelines describe how such a ban could be implement. The Commission considers a flight and landing ban as a last resort to make the airlines surrender over its Emissions Trading Scheme.
Institutional anti-Americanism is pervasive within the Brussels ruling class.  It's time - now that World War I is finally over - to reassess just what we're doing paying for their defense.

Look, I like Europe, and Europeans.  I've lived there.  And even someone like me has had it with Brussels.


rikdergis said...

Never again should American blood be shed in the defense of the European Continent.

B said...

Let them pay for their own defense. it'll bring about their economic collapse (and that of the EU) even faster....

Were it up to me, I'd remove our bases from all those countries which dislike us and place them into say, Poland, where we are welcomed. The economic losses would destroy their economies as well....And I'd leave nothing but the gatehouse left standing when we left, so that the facilities would not become and asset to the host countries.