Monday, September 20, 2010

Christine O'Donnell does not sound crazy, even a little bit

We're hearing all sorts of things about Christine O'Donnell these days. Sound bites or references to twenty year old statements she made (as a college student, for crying out loud). All carefully packaged by the MSM to bring a heapin' helpin' of Teh Crazy.

Well, take seven minutes to watch this July PJTV interview with her. She may be wrong on policy positions (I don't think so, but reasonable people can agree to disagree), but there isn't a whiff of Teh Crazy.

So who you going to believe - Establishment Republican (and Democrat) politicians and their MSM lapdogs, or your lying eyes?

Via Samisdata. And via The Other McCain, we find this.



jason said...

i don't think she's crazy; at best she may be the lesser of evils. and while i don't judge her soley by mainstream media and i won't judge by this oh so soft interview either. like Palin, she isn't crazy-horrible, but she isnt' good either. surely our side has better people than this.

Borepatch said...

Jason, some day the left will wake up and realize that they way they package stories ends up hurting them (e.g. "O'Donnell is teh crazy"). They'll probably be more dangerous when they realize this.

It's like Insty used to say about George W. Bush and Wal*Mart: it's not that he likes either of them so much, just that their opponents are so stupid and vicious.

TOTWTYTR said...

Jason the problem with "better" GOP candidates is that they can't seem to win elections. McCain was by far not the best candidate for the general election, but he beat all of the "better" ones in the primaries.

O'Donnell, Palin, and even Rand Paul bring the prospect of real change to government. It seems that voters are fed up with the same old politicians of both parties and want a federal (and probably local) government that is smaller, leaner, less intrusive, and has limits to it's power.