Thursday, January 14, 2010


Via The Gormogons, we learn that the "Doomsday Clock" is being reset by a minute:

The minute hand of the famous Doomsday Clock has been moved to six minutes to midnight - one minute further away from human annihilation than before.

The timepiece in New York conveys how close humanity is to catastrophic destruction, which is represented by midnight.

Well that sure is a relief! Why, oh why is the clock being set back, giving us all another precious minute to spend with our loved ones?
Today, the board said they moved it back one minute because there was a 'hopeful state of world affairs' in relation to nuclear weapons and climate change. President Obama was particularly noted for influencing their decision.

Never mind the arbitrary nature of the decision making process - I mean, are we really at 11:54 PM? Not 11:52? Never mind the breathless ZOMG we're all gonna die!!!!1!!one! After a half century of waiting for the balloon to go up, maybe the calculation is a little off?

But that's all beside the point, which is: could you be any more predictably boring in your lefty fear mongering? I mean, resetting the clock because Obama was elected? Srlsy?

This is my disappointed face. If you're going to bring out the crazy, please try to be a little more interesting about it.


Anonymous said...

I presume this means we're on Doomsday Saving Time?

NotClauswitz said...

Stupid clock isn't even right twice a day. Does it predict earthquakes and volcanic explosions? Because if it don't it aint worth a crap.