Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Second Amendment isn't about duck hunting

And so is it too much to ask that mouth breathing Senators (Idiot - New Jersey) stop saying that it is?

It's not.  You don't even have to read past page 1, Scooter.

Is it too much to ask that sitting US Senators actually have a basic grasp of the law (both Federal and State) before the open their yaps to suggest some "common sense" gun control laws?  We might think that your "common sense" made some actual sense if you had any sort of grasp of current statute.

Helpful pro tip to gun grabbing statist pricks: maybe this is why nobody believes you even when you use the magic words 'common sense".

But ZOMG Sarah Palin is soooooo dumb!!!!11!!!  Or something.


ProudHillbilly said...

Remember - we have to be careful of how many people we put on Guam because it might tip over.

People vote for them. Which doesn't say much for the voters.

RabidAlien said...

Dangit, PH beat me to it. Common sense ain't all that common any more...and there's a black-hole centered around the DC area (with auxiliary black-holes Chicago and Kalifornia, etc) that seems to be sucking up common sense and IQ points on a daily basis.

Old NFO said...

There IS NO common sense in DC... Just sayin...

BobG said...

"There ought to be one day--just one--when there is open season on senators."
- Will Rogers