Wednesday, October 23, 2024

This is what a Preference Cascade looks like

Three months ago I wrote about how Joe Biden was on the receiving end of a Preference Cascade:

A Preference Cascade is when a large portion of the population begins to realize - despite relentless government and/or media propaganda - that a lot of other folks think like they do and that the propaganda is, well propaganda. This is almost always catastrophic for The Powers That Be, because Preference Cascades tend to accelerate. As this progresses, formerly reliable underlings begin to think that TPTB are going to lose, and start to refuse to stick their necks out to protect the current order.

It's one thing to stuff ballot boxes when you think that everyone on your side is on board and your guy is going to win - and any potential investigation will be done in the most slipshod manner. It's quite a different thing when you wonder just how many of the guys on your side are actually going to go through with this, and if the other guy wins will you be facing 20 years in Club Fed.

At the extreme, the security services join the preference cascade. They smell an emerging winner and want to be on side when that happens. At this point, things get pretty grim for TPTB.

And so it turned out to be, with a Palace Coup that forced Slow Joe from the race and handed the nomination to Kamala Harris.  She rode a carefully orchestrated media campaign to some level of acceptance for a while, but the last couple of weeks have been a disaster for her, and the next two look to be worse.

It's a Preference Cascade in action, with each day adding new evidence to the fact that the country is in the process of rejecting her.  Consider:

Via Lawrence, Trump is on track to take every battleground state.  Lawrence also discusses Harris' disastrous Fox News interview and how 60 Minutes had to (deceptively) edit her interview with them.  It's hard to come to a conclusion other than that she's a dope, and the country seems to be coming to that conclusion.  The average of the polls show Trump winning each of these:

All she knows is to play the race and gender card.  It isn't working at all.  Obama even came out lecturing Black men on how they were all misogynistic or something - and he got scorched for his trouble.  Even The View disagreed with Obama on this.

Blogger Ann Althouse looks at the cries of misogyny from the New York Times and doesn't buy it:

If Kamala Harris were a man, she would not have been chosen for Joe Biden's Vice President, and if she were not Vice President, she would not have been the one that the nomination that was stolen from him got handed to. She wouldn't be anywhere near the presidency.

Harris knows this and her people know this. The finger pointing in the campaign has begunDemocratic Senators are campaigning on their support for Trump.

Everything is breaking Trump's way as the majority of the undecided voters decide that she's a Dimwit.  This is a Preference Cascade in action - despite the media gaslighting, despite Google and Facebook pushing Harris and shadow banning Trump, despite deceptively edited TV interviews, people are deciding that their gut feeling is the same as millions of other people's.  They're realizing that they're not alone - and in fact are in the obvious majority - and are now no longer afraid to say this.

And potential political allies are slowly moving away from her.  If we can see high profile ones like Senators, there are a whole lot more in the party doing it too.  The number of Democrats who will put their necks on the chopping blocks is dropping like a rock.

My sense is that the whole thing is over, and this will be a landslide as the country shows that you can't beat something with nothing.  Sure there will be a cheat, but it won't be as big or as blatant as in 2020 because the people you need to pull that off are already second guessing their support for her.  How many will be willing to go to jail to cheat for someone that literally nobody has ever voted for?  Each day, that list gets shorter.


Skyler the Weird said...

They believe that they can cheat like last time and nothing will be done. I expect Trump to be ordered to Rikers Island by a New York Judge in the next few Days.

Rev. Paul said...


Borepatch said...

Skyler, I disagree. The Judge sees the Preference Cascade just like multiple Democratic Senators see it. Is Kamala's floundering campaign the hill he really wants to die on? Signs point to "no"


Glen Filthie said...

I dunno which of you guys are right? BP is right… there has been a tectonic shift in the Donk party. A lot of them are defecting in droves like Tulsi.

But Skyler is right too. There’s a lot of those guys for whom - if the cheating doesn’t work… ya gotta cheat harder!!! And like Kamala… they’re dumb as a post and won’t stop until they’ve had their own Ceaușescu moment. They are so disconnected that they’re still pushing billions to the ‘Kraine and Israel when their own people at home are dying in natural disasters and the aftermath of them.

Problem is that even if Trump wins, he still has to deal with the swamp..
And nothing less than a full blown Soviet/Nazi purge will straighten that mess out…

Borepatch said...

I think that Elon Musk will be a Mass Extinction Moment for a lot of the Deep State

Michael said...

I'm more concerned with the booming business of printing money.

Currently our debt service is higher than the taxes taken in SO.

It's amazing that the rest of the world even takes our Debt anymore. Some are doing a slow sell off Y2Y and economic collapse seems to ah Trump any political party.

riverrider said...

idk, but they're panicking. kamalface is telling more lies, the atlantic magazine planted a fake news piece, et al. more "trump's a nazi, trump's a fascist, trump's evil" all day long full court press. nobody, well few, are buying any of it.