Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remember the FISA renewal vote?

You know, the one today?  Guess what?

It's actually got new stuff in it - and you are now required to spy for Uncle Sam.

Yes, you. But fear not, Citizen: NSA no doubt will be responsible in how they use this.

1 comment:

Glen Filthie said...

This is all small potatoes in the scheme of things BP. Consider: your law enforcement agencies and judiciary will cheerfully fabricate evidence against you if it is to their benefit to do so. They will also illegally suppress pertinent evidence in cases and they get away with it all with the full approval of the ruling class in both parties. They don’t have to spy on you anymore. Look at what they are doing to Trump: I don’t care if you like him or hate him, but any sane person has to hate the way they are going after him.

In the real world, if I were a bad guy…these new powers they’ve given themselves wouldn’t frighten me a bit. If we were terrorists for example, we’d talk in code over burner phones and be completely compartmentalized and disappearing into the crowd would be super easy for us. We would run circles around them.

To me this signifies something far more awful than gubbimint overreach. I think the upper halls of power in law enforcement and the judiciary are in chaos. The country is run by idiots and is falling apart…and the idiots in charge can’t do anything about it so they’re doing everything they can to keep the lid on the pot. In effect all they are doing is turning up the heat and the pressure…

But whadda I know…?