Those of you who are gluttons for punishment should also read this old post of mine, What do Occam's Razor, Sunspots, Climate, and Ernst Mach have in common? It discusses many of the same issues from a historical perspective, but circles back to the science in the end. Actually, this is one of my best posts on the whole Global Warming thing - it's held up very well over the years.
But back to the matter at hand. The last decade has seen a huge amount of winter snow in the US Northeast:
Ah, but the Global Warmers will say - you're just cherry picking the data here. Despite what the Nightly News thinks, the world is more than just the Acela corridor from Washington DC to Boston. Except the trend of greater snowfall is across the entire Northern Hemisphere:NESIS (Photo Courtesy: WeatherBell)The last decade stands out like a sore thumb! It has had 29 major impact northeast winter storms with NO previous 10-year period with more than 10 storms! In Boston, 7 out of the last 10 years have produced snowfall above the average 43.7 inches.2008-09: 65.9″
2009-10: 35.7″
2010-11: 81.0″
2011-12: 9.3″
2012-13: 63.4″
2013-14: 58.9″
2014-15: 110.6″ Greatest On Record Back To 1872
2015-16: 36.1″
2016-17: 47.6″
2017-18: 59.9″
Warmer temperatures (we're told) can lead to higher moisture content which can lead to bigger snowfalls. Sadly for the Warmers, the last decade shows that the Northern Hemisphere has been cooling for the last decade:NHEMIS snow (Photo Courtesy: WeatherBell)Additionally, the trend for fall snow across the northern hemisphere has been increasing, defying the forecasts over the last two decades for snows becoming an increasingly rare event.
Like I said, SiGraybeard has to work harder to get as wordy as I am. But the theoretical predictions that his post points to sure seem to be backed up by the last ten years of actual measurements.Interestingly, some scientists have stated that increasing snow is consistent with climate change because warmer air holds more moisture, more water vapor and this can result in more storms with heavy precipitation. The trick, of course, is having sufficient cold air to produce that snow. But note that 93% of the years with more than 60″ of snow in Boston were colder than average years. The reality is cooling, not warming, increases snowfall. Note the graph depicting declining January through March temperatures for 20 years at a rate of 1.5 degrees F. per decade in the Northeast!Northeast Average Temperature (Photo Courtesy: WeatherBell)
And while I'm on the point of measurements, I want to (once again) point out the terrible state of the temperature databases. The data are repeatedly adjusted, making older temperatures colder than were measured and newer temperatures hotter than were measured. This allows regular press releases saying "Hottest year EVAH!!" but interestingly, it does not change records. Records like Boston's record snowfall of 2014-2015. Or the record hottest day in United States history, set in 1913. Or temperature records in any of the 50 states:
What don't get changed are the records. Consider these:What a weird "science" of Global Warming, where the planet keeps heating up but where cold and snow have been increasing for a decade and no new all time high temperature records are getting set. You might almost wonder how settled all this "science" is - after all, if it were really settled, evidence supporting it would be falling off of every tree.Chicago - 1934In fact, with all of this year after year of the HOTTEST YEAR EVER, no state has set a highest temperature record is more than 20 years. In fact, most (39 out of 50) state highest temperature records were set quite long ago - over 50 years ago, sometimes as long ago as 1888 (!).
Milwaukee - 1934
New York State - 1926
Boston - 1911
St. Louis - 1954
USA lower 48 states - 1913
Stop and think about that - if the science were as settled as people say, wouldn't there be at least one state that set an all time high record recently? What a strange warming that raises average temperatures but not record high temperatures.
Add in the almost $50 Trillion cost of "Global Warming mitigation" and you might begin to wonder just how solid the field of climate science really is. Me, I don't wonder much at all, but you know how nasty and suspicious I am.
When my family first moved to Florida, in the summer of 1973, orange groves extended from Miami all the way up to the Georgia border.
Then came the great freezes during the late 70's. And all the orange groves disappeared.
People in Florida don't believe this. But it's true. Florida used to be hotter, significantly hotter, than it is today. Now, cold weather constantly threatens and slowly destroys the fabled Indian River groves.
Curiously, back around the turn of previous century, one of the big cash crops along the east coast of Florida, and a very valid reason for the creation of the Florida East Coast Railway, was pineapples. You know, that tropical fruit that takes years to grow? Then it got somewhat colder and pineapples didn't do so well, so citrus was planted.
But, Global Warming, right?
And we're now seeing weather like the Plymouth Colony saw when it started, short, hot summers with weird falls and ice storms during the winter, all leading up to the fun days of the Maunder Minimum.
But, global warming?
Some say Global Warming is a crock, designed by leftists and their pol satrap scientists to con people out of another tax to support our all beneficent Government.
Hey, the beats's gotta eat.
Others say, don't pay the tax, just watch out for the sun and its new ice age.
Looks like there may be a rough ride for the warming alarmists in the near future.
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