Thursday, November 22, 2018

Being thankful

Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday for a long time.  It's a meditation that we should do more than once a year, but here it is so meditate, damn it!

I'm thankful for The Queen Of The World who is a whirlwind of cooking and decorating energy.  The table is set and the house smells so good that tummies are rumbling.  And tomorrow she'll start Christmas decorating.  It's not for nothing that a neighbor calls her "Martha Stewart".  I love all this, and today's meditation makes me realize how lucky I am to have her in my life.

I'm thankful for Wolfgang, because without him I probably wouldn't get out looking for deer lurking around Castle Borepatch very often.

I'm thankful for my co-bloggers here, ASM826 and Brigid.  They bring a touch of class to what would just be my ravings, and so it's not just me who should be thankful but you as well ...

Lastly, I'm thankful for you, Gentle Reader.  This has become a community, one which we would never have come to know without the amazing magic of the Internet.  It has let us find each other and enrich each other's lives.  A special thanks and shout out here to long time commenter waepnedmann. Last week when the QOTW and I were in California he offered a bolt hole if the fires got dangerously near.  Fortunately it didn't come to that, but his kind and generous offer would never have been possible without this community that has grown up in our little corner of the 'net.  It's an amazing thing to see, and I am very grateful indeed.

Lastly, since it is Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for the greatest Thanksgiving day humor ever broadcast.

And the closing line, of course:


Ed Bonderenka said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the Queen.

Old NFO said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone! And those are 'classics' in more ways than one!

waepnedmann said...

Red of face, toeing dirt.
"Mentioned in Dispatches" none the less.

Borepatch said...

waepnedmann, your offer meant a lot to me. Thanks.

libertyman said...

I just realized I didn't look at the computer yesterday, so a belated Happy Thanksgiving to all.

And yes, we all have much to be thankful for. I am especially thankful for my new friends whom I have met through the miracle of the internet. I am very thankful for your music appreciation class each week!

And Martha Stewart is a distant second to the Queen of the World! You are a lucky man indeed Ted.