It has the complete set of FAIL: the politically correct casting, the dumb idea that nobody would ever actually do (host a Microsoft party at your house? Srlsy?), the inane dialog that only a Microsoft Marketroid could believe:
Middle-aged white lady: I led an overview of some of my favorite Windows 7 features... It took, like, 10 minutes [approving murmurs]... It was totally, informal, like, everyone just kind of crowded around the computer in the kitchen [hearty laughter].The stupid, it burns!
This is so bad that James Lileks weighed in:
If Microsoft had been put in charge of marketing sex, the human race would have ended long ago, because no one would be caught dead doing something that uncool.This is maybe the worst Microsoft video ever. Maybe. Microsoft's marketing videos are so astonishingly horrible, that this might not be the worse ever. And because everyone likes it when someone hangs out the bleeding turkeys, here are some Microsoft bleeding turkeys:
Internet Explorer 8: Hide your pr0n, because you care for her so much. And you don't want her to throw up on you:
1980s Big Hair bad Microsoft marketing:
And not to be forgotten, the MS-DOS Rap, yo!
WARNING: That one will make your ears bleed, too.
Actually, I know a couple of people who are hosting Windows 7 parties. I'm not attending any of them.
HA! Thanks for this post, it took some of the edge off of an otherwise lousy day of an epic nature.
Heh: "Adding comments has been disabled for this video."
They really need to fire their ad-agency, or set-fire to them...
word: fastr - indeed!
That OMG!IGP! video is funny.
The party video is painful. Makes you want to deny you ever even used DOS.
1 min13 disappearing sony fail
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