Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nothing I could write would improve on that sentence, part 4

The Czar of Muscovy* looks at Thomas Freedman's wistful "Now why can't our Government act like Philosopher Kings like the Chinese" Op-Ed, and dissects it. It's well worth your time in an intellectual well-balanced-dinner sort of way, but he ends with this delicious morsel for desert
The Czar has said before that if you really want to understand liberals, progressives, the news media, and Hollywood, it helps to learn about how spoiled high school freshmen girls think.

I'd ask what's with all that liberal yearning-for-a-strongman thing, but it's already been explained. At length.

* Not a fake Czar like in the Obama Administration, but rather in an Internet Pseudonym sort of way. All in all, much more respectable and credible, if you ask me.


TOTWTYTR said...

Friedman is a wind bag. Nothing he writes is worth reading, nothing he says is worth hearing. He, along with Frank Rich, and what's her name Dowdy, are symptomatic of why the NY Times is losing readers left and right. Well, right, not so much on the left.

That, plus the inherent leftist dishonesty of the supposedly non opinion news pages.

Borepatch said...

TOTWTYTR, you have got to stop hiding your feelings. Tell us what you really think.


The Czar of Muscovy said...

Hey, thanks for the props! Next time you're in Muscovy, you may have an unsalted peanut. Possibly two, because I really like you.

Borepatch said...

Большое спасибо!