Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Debate predictions

1. There will be no knockout punch.

2. The idiot Media will debate each other over which of Romney's many "gaffes" were the actual knockout moment, when ZOMG ROMNEY HAS BLOWN IT THIS TIME FOR SURE!!!1!

3. Romney will look Presidential.  This will not be by accident: he needs to close the deal with all the people who voted for Obama as the Hopey-Changy guy so that they could feel good about their SWPL outlook.  They have buyer's remorse, and so Romney doesn't need a knock out, he just needs to look and sound the part so that they can vote for him.

4. In 1992 it was "It's the Economy, stupid."  This year it's "Don't scare the SWPL folks".

5. I will watch something else tonight.


Rev. Paul said...

We're avoiding the debate like a plague ... which it might be. Besides, we already know we'll ALL be beaten over the head with endless rounds of soundbites, clips, video snippets, and analysis paralysis.

kahr40 said...

I lasted about ten minutes then watched a Jesse Stone movie. I think I came out ahead.