Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Iconic photos

There's a blog entirely devoted to them.  Some are disturbing - lynchings from the 1920s, bodies left in the aftermath of political coups, that sort of thing.  Some are offensive - Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ" is currently top of the blog.  But all of these are indeed iconic, and the commentary does a good job providing background.

And some of them are simply sublime, like the one here of Ella Fitzgerald singing in a Paris nightclub.  That's Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman at the front table.

Warning: you can lose a lot of time going through his archives.  You find stuff like this:



Paladin said...

This site sounds like it's right up my alley.. Thanks for pointing it out.

GuardDuck said...

I hate you.

I spent all of last evening going through that site.

Six said...

BP, you find the best sites.