Saturday, January 2, 2010

Overheard at the Northeast Blogger dinner

From JayG: I'm Jay, this dinner' Community Organizer.

Overheard at the range, earlier (from the next lane); Don't hold your hand in front of the muzzle.


ASM826 said...

Sage range advice.

Here's why:

The link has the story of an LEO that pulls the trigger on a Glock .45, thinking he is releasing the takedown pins. I do this with my hand under the muzzle, he was doing it with his hand covering the muzzle. He had not, by the way, checked the chamber.
Warning for the squeamish, there are pictures.

Jay G said...

In all fairness, Bruce was the one who appointed (annointed?) me the "Community Organizer" at the last summer blogshoot...