Sunday, December 15, 2024

Yo-Yo Ma and Alison Krauss - The Wexford Carol

He plays like an angel, she sings like one. That's why this video has 6 million views.


Aesop said...

6 million views? Okay, I've watched it a million times, so some of you other people have been slacking. After I heard this one, I'd listen to Alison Krauss sing even if it was the labels of toothpaste tubes or cereal boxes.

chipmunk said...

This brings me to tears every time I hear it.

libertyman said...

The best rendition of this carol. Alison Krauss was born to sing it. I must say this was not the most challenging piece for Yo Yo Ma, even though I am sure it was played to perfection.
A wonderful performance, thank you for doing this.