Monday, October 21, 2024

CMP Sales Update: M1 Garand in 7.62 NATO

Starting at $900, which is a pretty darn good deal.  Yes, this rifle is Old School.  But every time I have mine at the range a bunch of guys shooting AR pattern rifles wander by to oogle it.

 No school like the Old School.


Old NFO said...


Aesop said...

Mongo like.

Tree Mike said...


libertyman said...

The Civilian Marksmanship Program is the best place to buy a Garand (or two). Several commercial loaders have 30'06 M1 Garand specific loads, I don't know if there is a .308 Garand specific load though, or if one is required or advised.

Overload in Colorado said...

I've owned one of these since 2016, and paid $1030 for it then. Still uses clips. I've had no problems, but haven't fired it much.

gruvinbass said...

I occasionally bring my Springfield M1A to 2-gun matches, where it sticks out like my grandmother would at a rave. It definitely knocks over the steel though :)

Glen Filthie said...

Yes! You don’t just grab any old ammo for Garands and go shooting! Both the M1 and M14 are built around Garand-specific loads and pressure levels. You may fire very limited amounts of higher pressure stuff - but a steady diet of that will pooch the gun or bend op rods if you burn too much of it. The M14 “classic” or nominal load is a 168gr pill moving at around 2750 FPS. Dunno what it is for the M1 but I’d bet it’s close. I’d go no more than 3 or 4 reloads on the brass too…Garands beat the ever lovin’ snot out of their brass.

These are NOT bolt guns. A great go-to resource for Garands is at the M14 forum. There’s a lot of smelly old stubfarts, vets and gun smiths/geeks there that know Garands inside out and how to care for and feed them.