Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Live by Class War, die by Class War

Borepatch, March 30, 2013:
... the Democrats are finding that they're driving the electorate into the arms of their opponents.  Remember, an election looms next year.  Memories are short, but not that short.

Some people are worried that a bland vanilla [gun control] bill will make it to the Senate floor and then a swarm of extremist amendments will be rammed through via legislative sleight of hand.  This won't happen, for many reasons:

  1. The Red state and blue state Democrats don't want to vote on anything here because it's radioactive.  No matter the sleight of hand, at the end of the day you have to vote.
  2. The more extreme the amendment, the more radioactive it will be.  Dianne Feinstein doesn't care, but Joe Manchin sure does.  Harry Reid, for all his faults, knows how to count votes.
  3. The House won't pass it, no matter what the Senate does.  John Boehner has done a masterful job trapping the blue and purple state Democrats: by saying that they'd take up any bill the Senate passed, he gave the green light to the most radical wing of the Democrat Party to push their unwilling middle strongly towards the left.
I believe that the Senate will vote gun control down, in a massive defeat to Obama personally and the radical wing of the Democratic party.  But the damage has been done.
The Democrats' Annus Horribilus is fair begun.  The economy is fading (again), the Obamacare mandates and costs are getting ready to bite, and the President has not only shown himself to be incapable of getting his agenda passed but has also shown that he has no loyalty to fellow Democrats in Red or Purple districts. 

More importantly, those fellow Democrats have show that they have no loyalty to him, and are unwilling to die on the hill of his radical agenda.  As next year's election approaches, they will increasingly throw him under the bus. As Joe Biden would put it, that's a Big F***ing Deal.

Pretty fun to see full scale Class Warfare break out among Democrats.


Erin Palette said...

Does this mean that gun control is now dead in Congress? Or do we have to worry about more bills being introduced later?

Borepatch said...

The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance, Erin. But I don't see the Democrats having the stomach to take this up for a while. And if some of the Red State Democrats lose next year, they won't bring it up again for a long, long time.

Erin Palette said...

Excellent news! My poor uptight buttocks can now, finally, unclench for a bit. :)

Anonymous said...

We must maintain vigilance. The debate continues in the Senate. No fat lady has yet sung.


Anonymous said...

And feel free anyone to taunt the Denver Democrats for me. I don't care if you're out of state--they need to be yelled at by as many people as possible.

kx59 said...

Pass the popcorn. Nothing more entertaining than watching the dems eat their own.

Six said...

I actually saw a comment from Baucus, (D) Montana, that Obamacare was a train wreck approaching. Yes indeed, those dems in red/purple states are starting to understand.

TOTWTYTR said...

Baucus doesn't understand that the train wreck is already here. By this time next year it will be in full swing and people who thought they were getting a great deal will realize that they got a meat stick in the butt instead.

They won't be happy and since they can't take it out on Obama, they'll do the next best thing.