Sunday, March 2, 2025

R.I.P. Buster Poindexter

A.k.a. David Johansen.  He hated this video but I've posted it here a ton of times just because I enjoy it so much.

He was also great as the cabbie in the film Schrooged.

Thanks for all the great stuff, David. I hope you're having a ball driving your cab.


libertyman said...

Oh no! I always looked forward to your replay of this video. What great fun. He had a very nice singing voice, as one will note on his albums.

Hey Bustah!!! RIP

libertyman said...

"Quoth Mr. Johansen: Heavy Mental bands in LA don't have the market cornered on wearing their mother's clothes" A classic line from Buster. A nice cameo from Bill Murray in the video. This tune gets turned up when it comes on the radio, that's for sure.
As Bob Hope sang: "Thanks for the Memory"