Friday, March 28, 2025

Blogroll addition

I just realized that I don't have a blogroll link to Flares Into Darkness which is really strange since I've been linking to him since forever because he finds all sorts of really interesting (and eclectic) stuff.  He has literally been a daily read for me for years and years, and I must have had a massive brain fart in not blogrolling him.  

Well, fixed now.  Sorry about that, Ambisinistral.

Recommended to everyone.  You know what to do.

UPDATE 28 MARCH 2025 15:24: Huh - I see that I did have him on the blogroll. 


ambisinistral said...

You used to have a link to me I think, but thanks for the relink :)

ASM826 said...

i checked when I saw this post. Thought he was on the lists.

Aesop said...

Forgot what you came into the room for, huh? :)